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NSW Teachers Federation
Teachers Federation House 23-33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia
Postal Address: Locked Bag No: 3010 Darlinghurst NSW 1300
Ph: 02-9217-2100, 1300 654 369 Fax: 02-9217-2470

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Max Taylor calls for social coalition

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Workers Online Interview with Sue Simpson

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Teachers and parents support campaign for cleaner schools

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"We are not Robots"

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Labor Council Support for Campaign Against TAFE Cuts

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Campaign News

updated 28/6/00 -- click reload / refresh for latest version

Salaries and Status Campaign

The Federation requires a Director-General Determination be made by agreement such that teachers will receive back payment and the first payment under the Agreement (from 3 April 2000) no later than the first pay date in August 2000. Members will be informed of any delays and Executive will decide if any member action is required in the event of unnecessary delay.

When the terms of the Determination and Consent Award are finalised, the Federation will provide information to schools and colleges on the significance of new award clauses. An Officers’ sub-committee will be established to provide input into the drafting of the Federation’s interpretation of those clauses that may cause concern. An annotated Award document is to be created and provided to all schools.

Members are advised that until the terms of both the Determination and the Consent Award are finalised, the current award provisions apply. New agreed procedures for teacher appraisal, school reviews and new teacher efficiency will apply when the consent award is finalised. The Federation recognises the annual school report template tabled in the Industrial Relations Commission in 1997 and rejects the Department’s unilateral changes to the template in 1999.

Members planning to retire or resign are advised to seek independent financial advice.

The Federation will raise with the Department the implications of the Agreement for school global budgets.

Special Salaries Bulletin #20


Negotiations between the Federation’s Senior Officers and representatives of the Minister’s office and the DET have led to a document which all parties consider provides an appropriate settlement to the salaries dispute.

For more details - click here

What has changed since 14th April?

Kemp refuted

In his post-Budget press release, Federal Minister for Education, Dr David Kemp stated that over the next 4 year funding period, Commonwealth spending on government schools will increase by 21 and in private schools by 40%.

Dr Kemp has written to NSW schools attempting to justify Commonwealth education funding policies.

The Federation has written a response to Dr. Kemp's letter which has been sent to schools and may be copied for use by teachers.

For more details - click here

HSC and School Certificate Markers

A fax concerning HSC and School Certificate markers has been sent to high Schools, central schools and TAFE colleges.

For more details - click here

TAFE Budget & Job Cuts

The May 2000 NSW Budget reduces provision for TAFE expenditure by $133 million or 10.5% in real terms. The Budget also requires equivalent full-time TAFE jobs to be reduced by 730.

The Federation has prepared a leaflet regarding these cuts. You are asked to please distribute this leaflet.It is intended to mail out multiple copies of this leaflet in the near future. In the interim those seeking copies urgently may be able to obtain them from their TAFE organiser or by special mailout on request to the Post School Education Unit by phoning Federation. Until multiple copies are obtained, please place a copy of the leaflet on college notice boards.

Branch meetings should be held as soon as possible, to provide feedback as to what action should be considered by Federation in opposition the TAFE cuts. Members should also be encouraged to lobby their local MPs.

TAFE Budget Cuts Leaflet

Funding Freeze hits TAFE

click here for media release

Manly High Review

The Manly High School Review of April 2000 is a seriously deficient document. The combination of flawed methodology, faulty and prejudicial assumptions, the selective use of available data and a politically motivated review have led to a set of recommendations that are highly questionable.

The Federation seeks the withdrawal of the current advertisement for the filling of the position of Principal Manly High School and its replacement with a process consistent with current staffing procedures. The Federation is prepared to attend further meetings with the Minister’s office and DET to resolve this matter.

The Federation has lodged a dispute notification in the Industrial Relations Commission on the matter of the advertising of and conditions attached to the position of principal of Manly High School.

For more details

Resources for Integration

Federation is to campaign for the provision of all necessary resources, when a student is integrated into a mainstream class. This would include trained teaching and support staff, appropriate physical and educational resources and coordination time. This campaign will include redistribution of the Federation’s Integration Guidelines and support for school staffs implementing these guidelines.

Members are urged to fully document the incidence of difficulties inappropriately educationally-placed students engender when placed into mainstream classes, to support their case in gaining appropriate placement for those students, as well as support their case under Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.


The walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge was a celebration of the Australian people's commitment to reconciliation and an expression of the rapidly growing people's movement. The walk was 'officially' led by indigenous and non-indigenous elders.

The vision of both the indigenous community and the wider community united on one of Australia's most recognised icons made an incredibly powerful statement.

Hundreds of teachers, family and friends together with officers and staff of the Federation marched behind the Federation banner "New South Wales Teachers Federation in active partnership with Indigenous people."

It was a truly inspiring day.


Stop Peter Reith's harsh new work laws

ACTU President Sharan Burrow has welcomed as a victory for fair-minded Australia the decision by the Democrats and the Opposition to block Peter Reith's anti-industry bargaining laws.

"These were biased laws from a biased Minister," said Ms Burrow. "Working women and men will thank the Democrats and the Labor Party for blocking these laws. They have again ensured that working Australians will not be subjected to Mr Reith's partisan and ideological agenda."

Please visit the SAY NO TO BAD LAW campaign site click here

Class sizes do Matter

Parents and teachers know what research data have confirmed: reducing class size improves student achievement.

The Massachusetts teachers are asking state legislators to support programs that help students by reducing class size, increasing the availability of early childhood education and full-day kindergarten classes, establishing alternative programs for disruptive students, attracting and retaining qualified teachers and providing additional support for students who are struggling to meet the state's academic standards.

click here for details

MTA campaign page

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Education Online

Recent articles from the Federation journal "Education"

"Inquiry head confirms teacher supply concern"
click here

"Mt Druitt students vindicated"
click here

"Magistrate Max tackles the society in crisis"
click here

"Axe to English migrant program"
click here

Articles from previous editions
click here


The tent at the Seaforth TAFE picket line was deliberately 'torched' last weekend. Only charcoal and metal frame remnants are left. The continuing attacks on the picket line are deplorable. Give your colleagues and community activists your support. Please attend the picket line, phone the Seaforth TAFE relief convenor Nicki Mercer on 9217-2100 to roster on or send messages of support to Jim Bannister at Brookvale TAFE.

27 JUNE 2000

A special meeting regarding the next TAFE Institute Managers Award is to be held at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 27 June 2000 at Teachers Federation House.

click here for more information

International Teacher News

News from around the world about Teacher Unions and their members' industrial campaigns; and other interesting education news

Ecuador police use tear gas to disperse striking teachers
click here

Antigua teachers sit-in
click here

Smaller classes improve results-UK/USA
click here

Korean union leader on hunger strike
click here

Chicago looks abroad for qualified teachers
click here

Granada strike continues
click here

South African Teachers support strike
click here

Irish Teachers Accept Offer
click here

More International News
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Australian Union News

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The New South Wales Teachers Federation is the registered union and professional organisation which represents teachers in New South Wales public pre-schools, infants, primary and secondary schools. Teachers in colleges of Technical and Further Education (TAFE),the Adult Migrant Education Service(A.M.E.S.), Schools for Specific Purposes and Corrective Services are also members.
The NSW Teachers Federation is an associated organisation of the Australian Education Union.



Workers Online

Social Change Online



The NSW Teachers Federation is not responsbile for content of external websites.






This is an experimental website being used by NSW Teachers Federation Officers to evaluate new website formats.