President--Bruce Cox Vice President--Steve Wagoner Recording Secretary--Cheryl Beverly Secretary Treasure--Gerlinda Dugle Trustee--Shane Jackson Trustee--Ed Renfro Trustee--Monica Lacey Guide--Chris Bailey Sergeant at Arms--Ryan Belt Bargaining Comitteeman--Chris Schroeder Bargaining Committeeman--George Chadwell Bargaining Committeeman--Gary Rambo Union Meetings are held on the second thursday of every month with the afternoon shift meeting starting at 1:30 PM and day shift meeting starting at 3:30 PM. The meetings are held at the local union hall located at 714 W. Main St. in Greensburg,In. 47240 _ ©1998 UAW Local 1457Last updated on June 07,1999Webpage designed by Jeff Humpert-Member UAW Local 1457Send comments and suggestions by clicking the button below: this UAW Webpage has been visited: Times Visit the website of UAW Local 2166. real informative page. UAW Local 2166 Autoworker site owned by UAW Local 1457. [ Previous | Next | Skip Next ] [ Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ] UNION RING This Union Ring site is owned by UAW Local 1457. Click for the [Previous] [Random] [Next Site] [Skip Next] [Next 5] [ List all sites] Click here for info on how to join UnionRing.
©1998 UAW Local 1457Last updated on June 07,1999Webpage designed by Jeff Humpert-Member UAW Local 1457Send comments and suggestions by clicking the button below:
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