Abbie F.

Full name:Abbie M. F. (Omitted for Privacy)

Nickname: Butta, Abs of steel, waldo, fare

B-day: 3-28-82

Top 3 Movies of all time: Friday, Empire Records, Fried Green Tomatoes

Top 5 Albums: DMB live @ red rocks, Fumbling toward ectasey, NO way out, Dark Side of the Moon, usher

Favorite Snack: Bagel Bites

Best words of advice:When you reach the end of you rope tie a knot in it and hang on.

Have you ever been in love: Sort of

Best song: Brown eyed girl

Ambitions: bieng an mtv veejay, working with kids

Fav animal: monkey

Embarrassing fact: um too many to mention

How many children do you want:3

Better, Beatles or Elvis: elvis i mean come on he's the king

Prefer boxers or briefs: boxers

Night or Day: day

Batman or James Bond: Batman

Skateboarding, crime or not: Not

Favorite thing about HOBY: The whole thing was cool

Least favorite thing: non-denominational sunday service

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