Hola mis amigos! I am James R. from White Mountains Regional H.S. and the Erikson group. I live above the Old Man in the Mountains in a small town called Whitefield. My hobies are: singing, acting, skiing, TSA, and piano playing. I'm the TSA state president and love my group a great deal. I'm also big into the arts and am part of the All-State chorus and the New Hampshire Educational Theatre Guild. I loved HOBY and miss everyone I met there. Helping out at the Friendship Club was blast and I hope to play the piano there again. The Saturday night activity ruled (GO WHITE HOME) and the dance was certainly an experiance. Love to everyone.
1.) FULL NAME: James Angelo Rode 2.) NICKNAMES: Buddha, Jorge, Jor, Jim Bob 3.) SEX: Male 4.) BIRTHDAY: September 21,1981 Virgo(the virgin, dear me) 5.) SCHOOL: White Mountains Regional H.S., Whitefield 6.) GRADE: 11 7.) AGE: 16 8.) FAVORITE COLOR(S: Red & Blue 9.) LOCATION: Whitefield, NH 10.) I LOVE: Laughter 11.) HATE: People who whine 12.) FAVORITE MONTHS: October, December 13.) FAVORITE DAY: Saturday 14.) SOME OF YOUR *BEST* FRIENDS: Shane, Kelli, Steph, Cassie 15.) FAMILY MEMBERS: Jack (dad) Helen (mom) David (brother) 16.) PETS: Mistletoe my doggy but she died a few years ago 17.) FAVORITE ROOM: Bedroom, where I relax and unwind 18.) FAVORITE STORES: Music stores 19.) FAVORITE SUBJECTS: Drama, Chorus, art 20.) FAVORITE SPORT(S): Alpine skiing, track 21.) FAVORITE COLOGNE/PERFUME: Aspen 22.) FAVORITE MOVIE: 1776 23.) WHEN I'M OLDER I WANNA BE: A Broadway star 24.) I WANNA LIVE: With my wife, three kids and a dog 25.) I WANNA MARRY: The person I love 26.) WORST FEAR: Someone's following me 27.) TALK TO THE MOST ON AOL: AOL, Come on! 28.) HOBBIES: acting, singing, piano playing, TSA, reading 29.) FAVORITE FOOD: Pinnoli cookies 30.) ROLE MODEL: Mom 31.) JEALOUS OF: Bill Gates, come on friend share 32.) FAVORITE SONG: Comedy Tonight 33.) FAVORITE STATION(S): 96.7, golden oldies 34.) FAVORITE SHOW(S): 1776, Into the Woods, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum, Rocky Horror Picture Show 35.) FAVORITE THINGS TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: Play the Piano 36.) PERSON(S) YOU TALK THE MOST ON THE PHONE WITH: Kelli Fogg 37.) TIME YOU WAKE UP: Now, 10 am 38.) TIME YOU GO TO BED: Midnight 39.) FAVORITE THING TO DO WITH FRIENDS: Get Jiggy wid it (party) 40.) HOW MANY PEOPLE ON YOUR BUDDY LIST: What be a buddy list? 41.) FAVORITE BOOK: The Sword of Shannara 42.) FAVORITE TEACHER: My mom 43.) MOST ANNOYING PERSON(s): Erin Zaricki, Portsmouth 44.) ALLOWANCE: There is such a thing 45.) WHAT TWO PEOPLE WOULD U CHOSE IF U COULD CHANGE YOUR PARENTS: Why do that, I love them 46.) IF YOU COULD PICK A FAMILY FOR A DAY IT WOULD BE: dad: Nathan Lane Mom:Emma Thompson 47.) WHAT WOULD U DO RIGHT NOW IF U COULD DO ANYTHING: Go to Europe 48.) IF YOU COULD GO OUT WITH ANYONE WHO WOULD IT BE: No comment 49.) IF YOU COULD CHANGE YOUR NAME WHAT WOULD IT BE: James Angelo Tiberius Rode III 50.) FAVORITE QUOTE: If you cannot find the truth where you are, where do you expect to find it?