Robert Hirai

Hirai. Robert Hirai. I am the webmaster here. This is me.

Just to make you all happy, I actually sat down and did one of these surveys. They normally take up too much time, and this one sure did, but I did it anyway.

To Begin With #1

1) Name: Robert Hirai

2) Hood: Cyberspace RL: Lebanon (BTW, RL is Real Life)

3) If you could shave one thing ON your head, what would it be? All my hair

4) If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? bright neon orange

5) If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? The home row on my finger tips.

6) If you could turn into any animal, real or imaginary, what would it be? An eagle!

7) If you could meet one person in this world, who would it be? Steve Job

9) Which is your favorite Mentos commercial? The one where they pick up the car.

10) What color is your toothbrush? Black

11) What color is your toothpaste? Blue

12) Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Half-empty

13) What's on your ceiling? The McDonalds nutrition information poster

14) What's your favorite color to paint your toenails? Err...

15) Pick a song quote that describes yourself: "Baby to you all I am is the invisible man." 98°

16) Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos? Nacho Cheese

17) What's your favorite flavor Snapple? Apple

18) Who is your favorite character from The Breakfast Club? The dork

19) Which one, Coke or Pepsi? Coke

20) What's your sign? Pisces

21) If you were a dog, what would your name be? Fido

22) How do you eat an Oreo? I make a peanut butter sandwich with two and eat it all in one bite

23) Which kind of milk is your favorite? Cold, skim milk

24) If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose? Hide in the rafters of their house over their bed and drop poison in their ear down a string the ancient Japanese Ninja did

25) Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous (that means both)? Righty

26) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Sort of, they start there, but end up in the weirdest places

27) Which is your favorite Adam Sandler movie? Happy Gilmore

28) What do you wear to bed? Shorts in the summer, shorts and a sweatshirt in the winter

29) When you notice a person of the opposite sex, do you notice their hair? Better believe it.

30) Have you ever been attacked by a big dog? Yup

31) Do you ever save your AOL conversations? Nope (AOL is for the Internet challenged)

32) Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork? No, I use a spoon, I can get 4 at once that way

33) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yea

34) Boxers, or briefs? Briefs

35) If you could streak in front of one person's house, who's would it be? El Presidente Clinton

36) If you could be anything in a kitchen, what would you be? The steak knifes!

37) Guys, If a random chick came up to you and asked you for your shirt, would you give it to her? Sure

38) Girls, would you ever ask a random guy for his shirt?

39) If you could be one gardening tool, which one would you be? The claw-like hand digger thing

40) What kind of shoe would you be if you had the option to be a shoe? Lacrosse Cleats

41) What kind of corn would you want to be (ear corn, can corn, dry corn, or corn on the cob)? Corn on the cob

42) If you could do anything to the person you hated the most, what would you do? Make her live forever and still age

43) What's your favorite Jell-O flavor? Strawberry

44) Which you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling? Mud wrestling!

45) What's under your bed? Dust, electrical cords, sometimes a computer, books and the boogie monster

46)Who are your crushes? A member of my X-C team

47)What’s your favorite. number? 42

ON TO #2...

Full name: Robert Takayoshi Hirai

Nicknames: Rob, Bert, Sam, Samurai, Kermit, Sniff, "Killa", and Hormonally Imbalance Boy

Nicknames you hate: You! Kid!

Date of birth: 3-1-82

Parents: Frank Takahiro Hirai and Barbara Ann Plumer Hirai

Siblings: Corinne Masa Hirai (12)

Dog: Not a real one.

Cats: Nope, none here.

Other pets: My computer, my sister.

Job: Webmaster of many pages, random computer fixing stuff.

Hobbies: Computers, Painting Miniatures, Computers, Stamp Collecting, Computers

Best advice you've given: Shut up and say what you mean!

Things you collect: Stamps, On-line hours, miniatures, Magazines

Words or phrases you use too much: Guh, Well, Anyway

Non sport game in which you excel: Computer games in general

Non sport game in which you enjoy: Computer games in general

Dream car: A midnight black Hummer, with a huge gas payroll

Coolest experience: Hurling myself bodily out of a tree 60' up in the air.

Scariest thing you've ever done: Wrecked a 360° on skis and lose about an hour of my memory.

Favorite thing to do in summer: Sleep, play summer league lacrosse, run, lift weights.

Favorite thing to do in winter: Ski, Sleep,

Special traits or talents: I can do stuff... yeah. ?

Secret talents: I've been told I'm a good kisser

What I want to be/do: Play computer games all day long!

Favorite colors: Orange, black and red

Favorite food: Food that is edible

Least favorite food: Food that is not edible

Favorite vacation: Spending 12 days in the highlands of Scotland camping at a Castle

Favorite subject: Math

Worst subject: French and Health

GPA: 4.2 out of 4.0 Don't ask me, I just earn it.

Extra Curricular Activities (at school): Student council, Webmaster, Math Team, Robotics Team, Madrigal Singers, Men's A Cappella Singer, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Concert Band, Pit Band, Chess Team, Lacrosse Team, X-C Running Team, and all around nice guy.

Extra Curricular Activities (at home): Boy Scouts, Killington Freestyle Ski Team, and other stuff I can't think of right now.

Favorite sport: Lacrosse, the fastest sport on two feet.

Other sports: X-C running, Football, and Freestyle Skiing

Favorite movie actor(s): John Paul Jones, Sean Connery, Robin Williams

Favorite TV actor: The voice of Homer Simpson

Favorite movie actress': Alicia Silverstone

Favorite TV actress: Uh....

Favorite movies: All the Star Wars, Men in Black, Starship Troopers, Space Balls, and uhh... you didn't hear this from me, Titanic

Favorite music video: Madonna's Ray of Light

Favorite animal: Eagle

Favorite TV show: Simpsons

Favorite day: Sunday

Favorite month: March

Favorite holiday: Memorial Day Weekend

Do you like school? I have nothing better to do, and it's better than real life

Favorite thing about school: A forced social environment

The single most embarrassing moment of your life: Getting my shorts pulled down at a X-C party, I was funny, but I was trés embarrassed.

Favorite band: Sorry, can't help you there.

Bands you grew up on: None

Describe your most awkward conversation with a person of the opposite sex: Trying to ask a girl out

Most important things you look for in a guy/girl: Eyes, legs

Your first kiss: In a hotel in Florida

Best date: Just hanging out at my friends place

Favorite pair of shoes: My Lacrosse Cleats

Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Nope

Favorite pair of underwear: Their all the same.

If there was one person you could kick in the head and then stand there and laugh, who would it be? My English teacher

Best buds: My computer, the Math Team

What is in pockets/purse/backpack? Pocket Knife, a fire starting device (lighter, matches, flint and steel, etc.), a mirror, and string/

Favorite book/author? The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien

Least favorite book/author? A Night to Remember, the move was way better.

Favorite artist you know personally? Don't know any

Favorite shape? A 4th dimensional regular cube

Most Memorable Achievement: Landing my first 720°. Maybe getting my Eagle Scout.

Most Regrettable day: None, life has it's ups and downs, live with 'em


1) How old are you? 16

2)Do you believe in reincarnation? No

3)Would you rather be blind or deaf? Deaf

4)What would you do if you found out you friend was gay or lesbian? I honestly don't know.

5)Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes

6)Would you rather be tall or short? Tall

7)Would u rather be overly happy and poor or overly wealthy and unhappy? Wealthy and unhappy

8)Would you consider your relationship with your parents good, bad, okay, or great? Okay

9)Do you like to dance? It's not as good as some other things, but not a waste of time.

10)Are you shy to ask someone out? Not at all

11)Do you like to talk on the phone? No, you can't use body language and text inserts to explain (You know, these things :-) )

12)Would you rather go on a walk or watch TV? Go for a run.

13)What is your dream honeymoon place? A castle in the woods on a mountain

14)What would be the first thing you'd change if you ruled the world? Have someone else rule the world

15)Do you think boys or girls have it easier? Boys

16)If you could go anywhere in a time machine, where would u go?

17)If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? The usual, girls locker rooms, banks, bars, churches, anywhere I could cause chaos.

18)Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or other better? New Balance, the only shoe company that makes shoes for feet. Come on, how many people REALLY have pointed feet?

19)If you could change your name, what would it be? Sam

20)If you were in a theater and someone was crying, what would you do? Ignore them

21)Have you ever thought you were going die? I know I'm going to die.

22)What is the hardest thing about growing up? Members of the opposite sex. If they only spoke the same language.

23)What is the most exciting thing you have done on a dare? Ski jumped off a water bar over a fallen tree down a double black diamond trail down a big drop

24)Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yeah

25)Would you eat a bowl of crickets for 40,000 dollars? Sure, not a problem

26)If you could do anything you wanted to this Saturday, what would you do? Fly all day long

28)If there could be one thing that you could change about yourself, what would you change? My past, everyone I know has a set impression of me from actions that I did. I have changed a lot.

29)Have you ever wanted to run away? Not really wanted to, but I thought about it.

30)What are your worst fear? Dying young

31)What is the best trick you've played on someone? Getting my friend Mike all worked up over his grades. It's so easy.

32)Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? Nope, not anymore

33)Have you ever felt that you were in love? I thought I was, but I was wrong

34)Do you pray? Not regularly


1. Screen Name/Real name? Accipitradea/Robert Hirai

4. If you could invite any 3 dead people (besides Jesus and holy people) to dinner, who would you invite? Adolph Hitler, Genghis Khan, and Mother Theresa

6. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? I don't know yet

7. Would you rather be paralyzed and alive, or dead and out of your misery? Paralyzed, death is not an alternative, ever.

8. What one person do you love most in the world and why? I really don't know

9. If you could only save one non-living thing from a house fire, what would it be? My computer

10. What is your favorite singer and band? I don't know

11. What do you regret most so far in your life? Caring too much about what other people think of me

12. What one person could you literally kill? My 7th grade English teacher

13. What's your best physical feature? My thighs, I can box squat over 400 lbs.

14. If you were gay, who would you like? (answer honestly) Some hot guy in my school

16. Do long distance relationships work? How deep a relationship? Some will, most won't

17. Do you believe in God? I don't not believe

18. How old do you want to be when you get married/have kids? Old enough to take care of them.

19. Favorite brand of perfume/cologne? I don't know

20. Have you met your soulmate? I don't believe it exists.

21. If your only mode of transportation was an ice cream truck, would you ever go on dates? Sure, I'd just bring a jacket for when we got in the backseat...

22. If you had to be a piece of bread or a bagel what would you be and why? Bagel, they provide more nutrition

23. Electric slide or macarena? Macarena, bad memories about the Electric Slide

24. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? I hope not, if I am, the party is dead.

25. Favorite beanie baby? The lobster

26. If Marilyn Manson was God, would you still pray? No

27. Favorite line from Scream? Never saw it

28. If your name was Brando would you still be able to look at yourself in the mirror? Yes, I wouldn't disappear, I think I'd still show up when I looked.

29. Worst nickname people call you? Any generic name

31. If you had to name your kid Melissa or Emily what would you name it? Melissa

32. Do you believe in astrology? Yes, stars exist, and studying them is astrology. I don't believe they affect our lives

35. Are you afraid of the dark? Not anymore

36. 6X6=42

38. If you died, would you rather come back as a guy or girl? Girl

40. If your name was Ken and you married Barbie, what would you name your kids? Ken Jr. and Barbie Jr.

41. What shows did you watch when you were a kid? Pinwheel, Seaseme Street, Danger Mouse, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Square One, and 3-2-1 Contact

42. Where's your favorite place? Killington, Vermont

43. What would you do for a Klondike bar? Pretty much anything not dangerous to myself or my honor.

44. Would you wait to have sex until you're married? No

45. What's your favorite Disney movie? Aladdin, Robin Williams rocks!

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