Melinda C.
1) Name: Melinda C.
2) Hood: Milford
3) If you could shave one thing ON your head, what would it be? a tiny patch of hair no one would ever see?
4) If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? auburn
5) If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? i don't really think I would ever want a tatoo
6) If you could turn into any animal, real or imaginary,what would it be? a bird so I could fly
7) If you could meet one person in this world, who would it be? I would really love to meet an angel if they are real
9) Which is your favorite Mentos commercial? i guess the one where the guy sits on wet paint
10) What color is your toothbrush? blue
11) What color is your toothpaste? blue and white
12) Is the glass half-empty or half-full? I would fill it or drink it, so neither
13) What's on your ceiling? glow-in-the-dark stars
14) What's your favorite color to paint your toenails? shades of blue
15) Pick a song quote that describes yourself: "I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand...."
16) Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos? cool ranch
17) What's your favorite flavor Snapple? the tea flavors
18) Who is your favorite character from The Breakfast Club? never saw it
19) Which one, Coke or Pepsi? i don't like either
20) What's your sign? capricorn
21) If you were a dog, what would your name be? Marchella Sage (name of a dog I once had and was just like me)
22) How do you eat an Oreo? i open them up and eat the cream out and throw out the cookie part.........(i don't like chocolate)
23) Which kind of milk is your favorite? cold, skim milk
24) If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose? a gun...clean and simple
25) Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous (that means both)?righty
26) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yeah.........but I took a keyboarding class.
27) Which is your favorite Adam Sandler movie? i never really liked him.........
28) What do you wear to bed? pj pants and a T
29) When you notice a person of the opposite sex, do you notice their hair? always
30) Have you ever been attacked by a big dog? never
31) Do you ever save your AOL conversations? only if they are really good
32) Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork? no......they are chicken fingers becuase you are supposed to eat them with your fingers
33) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? no........they are gross
34) Boxers, or briefs? briefs
35) If you could streak in front of one person's house, who's would it be? i can't say I'd ever streak
36) If you could be anything in a kitchen, what would you be? the little light in the fridge......i want to know if it really does go out when you shut the door
37) Guys, If a random chick came up to you and asked you for your shirt, would you give it to her? doesn't apply
38) Girls, would you ever ask a random guy for his shirt? if i really needed it
39) If you could be one gardening tool, which one would you be? a watering can?
40) What kind of shoe would you be if you had the option to be a shoe? a nice pair of sandels that are very strappy
41) What kind of corn would you want to be (ear corn, can corn, dry corn, or corn corn)? corn on the cob, I love the stuff
42) If you could do anything to the person you hated the most, what would you do? make her be able to read other people's minds at all times..........she would go nuts, never being able to shut out the noise and hearing all the evil things people think
43) What's your favorite Jell-O flavor? watermelon
44) Which you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling? Jell-O wrestling
45) What's under your bed? there are drawers that are attached to my bed, so there is nothing down there
46)Who's your crushes? sorry...........i won't say
47)whats your fav. number? 21
ON TO #2...
Full name: Melinda D. C. (Omitted for Privacy)
Nicknames: Mely, Mel, Pope John Pope, Pope, Al
Nicknames you hate: Mel
Date of birth:1-4-82
Parents: yep..........i got two of 'em............Mari Elena Coro and Marc Coro
Siblings: none
Dog: Mo-German Shepard-male....Muffy-Cairn Terrier-famale......Mamie-Cairn Terrier-female.........McNugget-Cairn Terrier-male
Cats: can't stand them
Other pets: i used to have a bunch of fish and water snails, but I got sick of them so I gave them to a pet store
Job:Toyland cashier
Hobbies: reading....going to the movies....writing stories...quotes
Best advice you've given: don't shit a shitter
Things you collect: perfume bottles........pewter things....stuffed animals...candles
Words or phrases you use too much: cheesey
Non sport game in which you excel:solitare
Non sport game in which you enjoy: most board games
Dream car: a jeep
Coolest experience: HOBY, Rainbow, volunteering at a hospital
Scariest thing you've ever done: cried in public
Fave thing to do in summer: lot's of stuff with my friends.......volunteer at the hospital
Fave thing to do in winter: ski, ice skate
Special traits or talents: i play the drums and piano, though not very well....i am good at memorizing things
Secret talents: my friends say i am good at cheering them up
What I want to be/do: a doctor in an ER or an FBI Profiler
Fave colors: blues and purples
Fave food: shrimp.........chinese food..........all the fattening stuff.
Least fave food: pork.........fatty meats
Fave vacation: i went to Disney when I was 2, but I closed my eyes the whole time becuase I was so scared of everything..........that is the only vacation I have ever been on, and the only thing I can remember about it is being terrified on the "It's a Small World" ride
Fave subject: english and spanish
Worst subject: i hate math
GPA: 4.3
Extra Curriculars (at school): student council.........i tutor kids in Spanish....prom committee
Extra Curriculars (at home): Rainbow (it is a big part of my life, in case you hadn't noticed), drums, piano, hospital volunteering (I love it in case you hadn't noticed)
Fave sport: i don't like sports........... no offense to anyone, but I think they are dull........maybe I would like them if I could actually play them...........
Other sports: see above
Fave movie actor(s): Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Chris O'Donnel,
Fave t.v. actor: david duchovney?
Fave movie actress': meg ryan, snadra bullock, gweneth paltrow
Fave t.v. actress: gillian anderson? (i like the x-files, so i guess i like them)
Fave movies: Gone With the Wind, Losing Isaah (sp?), When a Man Loves a Woman, Little Women,
Fave music video: uhhhhh.......
Fave animal: dogs
Fave TV show: X-Files, ER
Fave day: Sat
Fave month: dec and Jan
Fave holiday: christmas!!!
Do you like school? it is fine
Favorite thing about school: talk with my friends
The single most embarassing moment of your life: i would rather not say
Favorite band: Dave Matthews Band, almost all Oldies bands, Matchbox 20, Enya.........i love my pure moods cd which is a really cool colection of songs
Bands you grew up on: all Oldies
Describe your most akward conversation with a person of the opposite sex: when i was talking to my boyfriends and he wanted to dump me and i just sounded really dumb...........but i got him back dont worry...........(it wasnt' anything evil)
Most important things you look for in a guy/girl: honest, smart, kind, sincere, romantic
Your first kiss: don't make fun of me, but i haven't gottne there yet
Best date: see above......and don't laugh!
Fave pair of shoes: my sandels
Have you ever had a paranormal experience? yes..........long story, but I was very changed after......(the aliens gave me a new brain you, just had nothing to do with little green men)
Fave pair of underwear: i don't really have a fav pair
If there was one person you could kick in the head and then stand there and laugh, who would it be? i can't narrow it down to one (just kidding)
Best buds: Amie, Becky, everyone at Rainbow and everyone at HOBY of course!!!
What is in pockets/purse/backpack? i always am sure to have bandaids because i always manage to cut myslef
Favorite book/author? Gone With the Wind, Reviving Ophelia (Allison, I loved that one too! It was shocking to read though), Remember Me, The Face on the Milk Carton, Whatever Happen to Janie,
Least favorite book/author? totally ruined Gone With the Wind beucase it didn't follow it at all
Favorite artist you know personally? no one i can think of
Favorite shape? triangle?
Most Memorable Achievement: becoming Worthy Advisor of my Assembly (Rainbow again)
Most Regretable day: rather not say
1) how old r u? 16
3)would u rather be deaf or blind? deaf..........i am afriad of the dark and never really knowing what i am supposed to be seeing would scare me to death
4) What would u do if ur friends was either gay or lesbian? i don't think it would change much unless they liked me
5)do u consider yourself a good listener? i guess so
6)would u rather be tall or short? can always wear heels
7)would u rather be overly happy and poor or overly wealthy and unhappy? wealthy and unhappy.............i am terrified of not having money
8)would u consider your relationship w/your parents good,bad,okay,or great between ok and bad
9)do u like to dance? not that i can, but yes
10)are u shy to ask someone out? yes
11)Do u like to talk on the phone? yes.........i could talk for hours
12) would u rather go on a walk or watch tv? depends if there is a really good show on and where i could go walking
13)whats your dream honeymoon place? i have no ideea
14)what would be the first thing you'd change if u ruled the world? make very sure that no one was ever able to touch our rights in the amendments, but only to add to them as needed
15)do u think boys or girls have it easier? boys, hands down......there is so much they don't have to deal with or go through
16)if u could go anywhere in a time machine,where would u go?the future or the past? the past..........i would change things i have done
17)if u were invisible 4 a day,what would u do? i have no idea
18)do u like adidas,nike,fila,or other better? i don't wear sporst sneakers like that
19)if u could change your name what would it be? Alexandra, Alexis, Cassandra, Elizabeth
20)if u were in a theater and some1 was cryin, what would u do? i would just let them be
21)have u ever thought u were gonna die? yes
22)whats the hardest thing about growing up? no one knowing what is goind on in your head, and you never being able to tell them........but that is also a good thing
24)have u ever gone skinny dipping? no
25)would u eat a bowl of crickets for 40,000 dollars? if it was dead......and i could drink something right after
26)if this Saturday,u could do anything u wanted what would u do? go to a great resturant with my friends
28)if there could b one thing that u could change about yourself,what would u change? my attitude........i have a really bad attitude in that i am really pessimistic and i end up sounding bitter and mean when i'm really not
29)have u ever wanted to run away? i think so.........yes
30)whats your worst fear? spiders.......being in very small spaces
31) whats the best trick uve played on some1? no one has ever played a good trick on me...........not that i'm complaining
32)do u sleep w/ a stuffed animal? no......i always end up kicking them out of bed......they steal the covers too much
33)have u ever felt that u were in love? no
34)do u pray? yes........but i'm not very religous
1. ScreenName/Real name? PopeJpope...........Melinda C.
4. If you could invite any 3 dead people (besides Jesus and holy people) to dinner, who would you invite? Enstien, Margret Mitchell, and i don't know who else
6. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? shit happens
7. Would you rather be paralyzed and alive, or dead and out of your misery? dead...........i could never live like that
8. What one person do you love most in the world and why? my parents..........because they are my parents and they are good people
9. If you could only save one non living thing from a house fire, what would it be? pictures
10. What is your favorite singer and band? see way above
11. What do you regret most so far in your life? saying something to someone
12. What one person could you literally kill? i'm not sure
13. What's your best physical feature? everyone likes my hair thought i hate it
14. If you were gay, who would you like? (answer honestly) i honestly have no idea
16. Do long distance relationships work? i don't really think so
17. Do you believe in god? i think i do.........but i am not sure
18. How old do you want to be when you get married/have kids?older...................much older
19. Favorite brand of perfume/cologne? i think most of them smell nice
20. Have you met your soulmate? no, can't say i have
21. If your only mode of transportation was an ice cream truck, would you ever go on dates? not unless i could walk
22. If you had to be a piece of bread or a bagel what would you be and why? bagles......they taste better
23. Electric slide or macarena? electric slide,not that i know how to do it
24. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? sometimes
25. Favorite beanie baby? no clue
26. If Marilyn Manson was god, would you still pray? no way in hell
27. Favorite line from Scream? ---------------------------------
28. If your name was Brando would you still be able to look at yourself in the mirror? no............
29. Worst nickname people call you? mel......millie
31. If you had to name your kid Melissa or Emily what would you name it? Emily
32. Do you believe in astrology?'s not true
35. Are you afraid of the dark? yeah, but not so much anymore
36. 6X6=36
38. If you died, would you rather come back as a guy or girl? i suppose a girl.......but it would be neat to try something new
40. If your name was Ken and you married Barbie, what would you name your kids? matel and plastic
41. What shows did you watch when you were a kid? the list is way too long
42. Where's your favorite place? my room
43. What would you do for a klondike bar? not much let me tell you
44. Would you wait to have sex til you're married? definetly
45. What's your favorite Disney movie? dont like 'em
-have you told someone you loved them todya?no
-Person you wish you were: no clue other then me
-Band you listen to when you're bumming: pure moods cd
-Favorite lyrics to be pissed off to: words to "You Can Call Me AL"
-Favorite radio station: any oldies station
-Names you'd give your kids: Alexandra, Cassandra,
-French or Spanish? Spanish always
-If you could change one thing about yourself physically what would it be: new would be long and straight and black
-If you could change one thing about yourself mentally, what would it be: i would make myslef seem nicer......i am so pessimistic and end up sounding very bitter.........and i get mad a lot
-If you could change one thing socially about yourself what would it be: i would be nicer so i wouln'd seem like a bitch
-What is your point? i dont have one
-If there is one thing you wish you could've said to someone what would it be? i owuld tell someone something that i should have told them a long time ago
-Why haven't you said it:i already messed it up too badly to fix it
-If you had an hour to live who would you call? my parents (remind you of anything HOBY people?)
-Vanilla or Chocolate? vanilla........i hate chocolate
-Place you'd most want to travel to? Spain.........and Australia
-Okay, Shannon question: Do you know what Indierock is? care to expand on that Shannon?
-What talent do you wish you had? i wish i could write well
-If you could do one thing right now, what would it be? win the lottery? get a 1600 on my SATs
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