Kim G.
Full name: Kimberly A. G.
Nickname: Kim, Kimbo
B-day: 6-3-82
Top 3 Movies of all time: Breakfast at Tiffanys, My Fair Lady, Mary Poppins
Top 5 Bands: Beatles, Aerosmith, Madonna, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac(all old I know)
Favorite Snack: ice cream
Best words of advice: Don't be so uptight.
Have you ever been in love: i don't think love, definately like
Best song: Yesterday
Best Lyric: "It's something unpredictable, but in the end its right. I hope you had the time of your life." Billy Joe Armstrong(Green Day)
Ambitions: President or an ambassador
Fav animal: lion, dolphin
Embarrassing fact: way too many to choose just one
How many children do you want: 4
Better, Beatles or Elvis: Beatles
Prefer boxers or briefs: for me briefs, guys/boxers
Night or Day: Night, definately
Batman or James Bond: James Bond no question
Skateboarding, crime or not: not
Favorite thing about HOBY: the people definitely
Least favorite thing: The schedule, too short.
Favorite Book of All Time: Any books written by Judy Blume they were my education forget health class
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