Jillian T.

1. ScreenName/Real name? Jewell99/Jillian A. T.

2. School? Pinkerton Academy

3. Favorite Food? macaroni & cheese, chicken cordon bleu, chinese noodles

4. If you could invite any 3 dead people (besides Jesus and holy people) to dinner, who would you invite? Jim Henson, Albert Einstein, Shakespeare

5. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? ran around a cruise ship in a toga with my cousin and some friends

6. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? got threatened and beat up daily by a really mean bully in catholic school

7. Would you rather be paralyzed and alive, or dead and out of your misery? very hard question. it depends if I could still speak, a voice is power, a voice is knowledge, a voice is a friend

8. What one person do you love most in the world and why? my mom and my dad and my brother, they are absolutely irreplaceable, they do so much for me and I never appreciate it enough . . I love them all in different ways, I don't know what my life would be without them

9. If you could only save one not living thing from a house fire, what would it be? all of my scrapbooks of important pictures and momentos, snapshots of time and memories are irreplaceable

10. What is your favorite singer and band? Dave Matthews Band and Ben Fold's Five ~ amazing music, euphoria for the ears, but I also love party bands like B-52's and all that cheesy Disco everyone saw me get down to

11. What do you regret most so far in your life? a bit of advice . . .don't waste time regretting what you did, but instead change things or ways so that you don't feel the need to regret, every choice you make should be backed by your soul 100%, if not, then that choice is not worth being made

12. What one person could you literally kill? My spanish teacher is evil , Sra. Diablo . . . LOL. . .don't think I could kill her though, I couldn't hurt a fly

13. What's your best physical feature? my long hair (WM: It's now short)and my hazel eyes, too bad I can't see well with them!

14. If you were gay, who would you like? (answer honestly) anyone who had similar goals and ideal . .but ultimately, someone who made me happy . . .but for the record, I like guys

15. Do guys or girls have it easier? I guess guys, but we all have tougher times in different aspects of life, so equality shouldn't be an issue

16. Do long distance relationships work? I really don't know, 'cuz I've never had a serious relationship . .or long distance for that matter . . it would be nice if they did

17. Do you believe in god? Yes

18. How old do you want to be when you get married/have kids? probably early to mid 20's, as long as I am at a stable point in my life and deeply in love ( love . .not infatuation like many people confuse it with) the I guess then would be a good time, I don't wanna have kids too late in life, I want to be able to see them through the milestones of their lives

19. Favorite brand of perfume/cologne? I really don't wear it a lot, but I have Curve for women, and Tommy Girl . . . I like those

20. Have you met your soulmate? If anyone would care to help me out on this little problem, my e-mail is Jewell99@aol.com

21. If your only mode of transportation was an ice cream truck, would you ever go on dates? Heck yeah! Italian Ice, popsicles, nutty buddies, what an evening!

22. If you had to be a piece of bread or a bagel what would you be and why? bagel...lots of variety with the bagel, hip, sweet, fruity, spicy . .and there are so many options with bagels!

23. Electric slide or macarena? i'd do the electric slide with katie and Dustin...the Macarena is just annoying, the electric slide has stood the test of time

24. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? not at all . . .I woulld rather be the sidekick to the life of the party, I just don't want a ton of attention from a crowd (kind of hypocritical being that I was a JC and led cheers!)

25. Favorite beanie baby? Rainbow the Iguana

26. If Marilyn Manson was god, would you still pray? I think I would avert to atheism . . .

27. Favorite line from Scream? "My parents are gonna kill me!" ~ Stu, crying, after murdering a ton of people

28. If your name was Brando would you still be able to look at yourself in the mirror? Brando . . .ewwww . . .not in the 90's I wouldn't

29. Worst nickname people call you? all my mom's friends still call me Jilly or Jilly Willy like I was still the little girl they watched grow up

30. Your worst fear? rejection, alienation from others, and surprisingly . . . .sharks (but I am trying to get over that one) I used to faint every time Jaws came on, every trip to the aquarium, and that scary "Shark Week" once a year in August on the Discovery Channel

31. If you had to name your kid Melissa or Emily what would you name it? I know two girls named Melissa and Emily and they are both snobs, but probably Emily

32. Do you believe in astrology? "Hello Psychic friends??" not really . .i read it for fun ...Cancers rock (all the sensitive types)

33. Favorite sports? ice hockey, ultimate frisbee (New: Crew)

34. If you had to get a tattoo what would you get and where would you get it? a butterfly on my ankle, but I have a very low threshold of pain

35. Are you afraid of the dark? nope . . .but if my room is really quiet some nights and I feel a presence I tend to get uneasy

36. 6X6=If I learned my multiplication tables right, then . . . 6X6=36

37. Do you believe in abortion?

I really don't take a side in this debate, I disagree with different aspects of Pro-Choice and Pro-Life . . .Personally, I would NEVER have one

38. If you died, would you rather come back as a guy or girl? I enjoy being a girl

40. If your name was Ken and you married Barbie, what would you name your kids? hmmmm . . . Suntan, Hair-Dye, and Implant

41. What shows did you watch when you were a kid? Sesame Street, 321 Contact, Square 1 (that math show), Encyclopedia, Dumbo's Flying Circus, Pooh's Corner, anything on Nick Jr., and old Batman and Monkee's reruns

42. Where's your favorite place? on the beach in a hammock in Labadee, Haiti

43. What would you do for a klondike bar? I really would rather have a Nutty Buddy

44. Would you wait to have sex til you're married? Yeah . .I think so . .I want it to be special . .I wanna be in love and that would be the most important thing. I don't want to do it young or early in a relationship . .because, really, is that what is eally important in life? Plus,with AIDs and pregnancy, there are so many complications . . . I'll make the decision when I come to it

45. What's your favorite Disney movie? The Lion King . .I cried in the opening sequence when Circle of Life played . .that was phenomenal

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