NH HOBY Homepage

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Welcome HOBY people. Due to privacy concers, all last names have been changed to last initial. You should be able to match them with the names in your hoby packets (assuming you still have them). All this page has now is personal information people are volenteering to put up themselves and these few images. If you have anything you want on this page, email me at Accipitradea@hotmail.com with your ideas and/or information.

Northern club webpage!!

Check these people out!

If you want your information posted, mail it to me at Accipitradea@hotmail.com.

This is the list of people on our 'mailing list', or the HOBY folks I got a hold of who have e-mail. If I get it wrong, tell me. I can add more people if we find them.

E-mail list

Robert HiraiLebanonAccipitradea@hotmail.com
Alex W.HOBY-NH Alumni Advisorhobynhaa@aol.com
Allison H.Heish1919@aol.com
Dennis L.Exeterblemoine@nh.ultranet.com
Tammy M.Wheaton Collegetmurtagh@wheatonma.edu
Shannon F.Oyster RiverShannonFitzy@yahoo.com
Daniel H.MerrimackCruisen925@aol.com
Melinda C.MilfordPopeJpope@aol.com
Emily M.LaconiaMinkow@worldpath.net
Michel B.Kearsargem_bodnarik@hotmail.com
Katy O'M.Altonkomeara@alton.k12.nh.us
Megan B.Manchester CentralPOOH24BEAR@aol.com
Jesse L.LondonderryBassist4PD@aol.com
Kim G.PortsmouthMSGAUL@aol.com
Colleen W.Coe-BrownCawleeflwr@aol.com
Mary C.Trinity
Pamela O.Pelhamsprnkle12@aol.com
Jill T.PinkertonJewell99@aol.com
Abbie F.HopkintonButta1128@aol.com
Colin M.Spauldingbrucemay@worldpath.net
James R.White Mountainbuddha15@hotmail.com
Cassie B.Winnacunnetccb20whs@yahoo.com
Dustin C.Moultonboroughsvenhypro@cyberportal.net
Pam S.Stratfordwiseman3@hotmail.com
Ben C.SunapeeBCarleton@hotmail.com
Jeremy L.Manchester CentralJeebah@aol.com
Jenn L.Manchester MemorialCRANBARRY@aol.com
Matthew B. W.Bishop GuertinPhattam@aol.com
Kate W.Goffstownsmileykate@juno.com
Kate W.Manchester West
Julie C.DoverJULEES9596@aol.com
Katelyn M.ExeterBlue14Kate@aol.com
Mary C.TrinityBlondi@aol.com
Beth D.Philips Exeteriris13beth@hotmail.com
Lauren S.-R.Belmontlaurensr@yahoo.com
Carla L.Manchester CentralRCLyd@aol.com
Jennifer S.Hillsboro-Deeringesizemore@conknet.com
John C.Pelham High SchoolNapdog17@AOL.COM

If you're not on this list, get on it now! Please. Thank you.

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