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Hey, welcome to my webpage. I put all my travel stuff here so you can see and read everything!

There have been some weird things that I've encounterd through my travels like weird Egyptian guy:

Weird Egyptian Guy is a performance artist. I guess he travels from city to city throughout the EU. He yells "Photo, one euro!," and you have to pay him the euro to get a posed picture with him. That's why my pictures are from so far away. The picture on the left is in a courtyard in front of the Barcelona Cathedral in Barri Gotic in Barcelona. The picture on the right is just off an alley by the Spanish Steps in Rome. It was freaky weird how we ran into him the last two times we went to Europe.

Anway, I've got pix and writeups from my trips abroad and here in the US below. The buttons with the globe on it are picture pages, the ones with the suitcase are written accounts of my trips. Not all of them have write-ups (hey--I'm lazy!) but I'll try and do better in the future. Also the galleries are meant to be more illustrative than exhaustive, I've taken a lot of photos on vacation, but geocities gives you only so much space on their servers. :)

Oh, the write-ups are in .pdf format. You'll need Adobe Reader to access them.

09/05: Dublin or Las Vegas for X-mas? Choices. Choices. Meanwhile, Spanish is going very slow. I do know how to say, where is the post office (donde esta el correo?)
08/05: I'm going to Buenos Aires in October :). I've got a Spanish tutorial CD on my computer so I'm trying to learn it as soon as possible.
07/05: Just got back from Chicago. I loved it. It had a weird smell in some places, but the people were real nice and the city was very cool. I did the whole shebang--Chicago Academy of Arts (saw Woods's 'American Gothic'), the Sears Tower, Navy Pier, and went shopping in the Marshall Fields on State Street. I'll have pix up by September (hopefully).