General Questions about DK/Jello/AT?
Check out
Go to my
DK page!
Jello is scheduled to be in Philly at the lost film fest on August 2
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Check out this interview. Jello was at H2K.
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I'm going to start adding political stuff. I explain later, it's complicated. In the meantime, read this e-mail (if any of you are into anarchy/activism, or know someone who is, pass the info along. if not, I'll add a crash-course guide to anarchy soon, so wait. this is the real thing, not just scrawling a's on things and preaching chaos. go here, here, here, or here for now as well):
Hi. My name is Otter, I'm an activist in Eugene, Oregon, and I'm
writing to help get the word out about two Eugene anarchists/activists
who are being set up for a major fall. They are being charged with ten
counts of arson, nine of which are felonies, adding up to 86 years if
convicted on everything. It might just be a shotgun attack by the DA
hoping something will stick, but they are innocent and one of the
incidents is suspicious enough to ring cointelpro bells... there was an
incendiary device supposedly found by a gasoline truck in the Whiteaker
neighborhood in Eugene, which if it had gone off would have done a huge
amount of damage and possibly killed a bunch of people. This is
obviously not something anybody in the movement would do, and may very
well be a deliberate attempt to discredit anarchism and fuel the
paranoia. We need people to know about this case. Please call Eugene
Peaceworks for more info (541)343-8548 or write to (Eugene
Active Existence). We are Under Fire at this point and need all the
support we can get. Thank you!!
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Jello Biafra Ordered To Pay Ex-Dead Kennedys Bandmates $200,000.
Jurors find that former Dead Kennedys singer failed to pay back royalties, adequately promote catalog.
Read the sonicnet story here.
 There are two flyers thus far (each about 1 MB). To download, right-click the picture and select "Save Target As..". Open with the Adobe Acrobat Reader, available at for free. Make lots of copies!! |
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Okay, here's another flyer. This is similar in design to the first, but with color. click here. SPECIAL NOTE to High School/College STUDENTS: March 1, 2000 is the NATIONAL STUDENT and YOUTH DAY of ACTION for MUMIA ABU-JAMAL. Do your part and participate! Bring up Mumia in discussions at school, with other students and teachers. Write "Free Mumia" on any and all chalkboards/sidewalks/streets (w/ chalk). PRINT OUT FLYERS, plaster your school with them!
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All right, I've tweaked the flyer a bit. It'll fill up more of the page now. I hope to have a few more flyers and perhaps a button design by the end of the week.
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Jello has issued a full response to his nomination, in what is both an excellent article and e-mail. Read it here. I think I'll retool the flyer, because the margins seem a bit much. Try zooming when copying, or perhaps I'll make one for legal size paper (8.5 x 14 inches).
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Or, if you're still having problems, try downloading it zipped. (link gone).
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About the flyer: I recommend that you right-click the picture and select Save Target As.. This will hopefully eliminate any downloading confusion. Thanks.
Also...If were able to print it out successfully, please mail me. I need confirmed feedback.
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The time is now...I have made my first Jello/Mumia flyer. It is in the PDF format, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to view it (get it at It should print fine no matter what. Click the pic. I recommend that you either print it on a laser printer, or on ink jet with semi-decent paper (don't make copies from a bad print if possible-- all text must be readable). Please, make lots of copies. Take them to punk shows, or to schools, or just plaster them all around your town (bonus points if you tape one to the front doors of a newspaper company or police station). Spread the word. I've heard others have taken them to shows with some success, and have gotten band members talking. The Collective has moved to Go.
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Well, I've been waiting a bit, but I feel I should probably link to some Biafra 2000 pages. Here is the first one: The Campaign to Draft Jello Biafra President - This is under heavy construction and is in a 'preview' phase. Secondly, here's a brand new one: Jello Biafra for President, which is shaping up very nicely. Go Go Green Jello!
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Jello has announced that he will indeed run! He has selected Mumia Abu-Jamal as his running mate (controversial "cop-killer" on death row). You MUST visit that link!
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Jello For Prez?--You bet!
As it turns out, the letter was true! Go to this campaign info page: Soon I will set up some sort of Biafra 2000 support type of thing. Keep your peepers peeled.
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Jello For Prez?
You can only imagine how many times I have seen that question.. but for once there could be something to it. Check out this e-mail I got the other day and judge for yourself:
e-mail begins here
XXXXXXXXX(Name trimmed out)
Subject: Jello Nominated 4 Prez
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 00:55:59 -0500
Saw your website
At the NY statewide assembly of the Green Party of the New York, which
was held last weekend at SUNY New Paltz, someone nominated Jello Biafra
for President of the United States. It was an unidentified bald punk
rock kid with
sunglasses who made the motion, claiming to be Jello's "representative,"
but after I spoke with him and his friends in person it turned out he
was just fooling around. Nevertheless, the NYS Green Assembly put him on
the primary
ballot anyway, for general vote this Spring, along side Ralph Nader and
some other old coots. Now Jello has called back and says he's actually
interested, is already a registered Green (is Nader?...), and people are
starting to take a serious look at all this. Wouldn't that be a blast,
to have Jello running against Bush & Gore?! He could win!! Everyone in
NY interested in seeing this happen should register to vote as Green and
pull the lever for Jello at this coming spring presidential primary...
Below is a snip of a REAL GPNY e-mail I got yesterday...
>I've re-evaluated my view of Jello's candidacy. He's an enrolled Green
>and his lyrics are pretty good too. I know I'm not the only one in the
>who wasn't familiar with him, especially
>where I live. Now we know.
>XXXXXX (Name trimmed out)
>Jello left a message on my home answering machine. He IS AN ENROLLED
>has been so for YEARS and is supportive of the Greens and is interested
>about the possibility of running. I've heard you may not have been
>about him as a choice. He's an extremely intelligent and articulate
>individual who had a great description why he supports None of the
>the ballot with a good technical explanation how it works. He is
>under his real name. He was able to run for mayor of SF under his stage
>but they've since made that illegal in California as a result of his
>He also worked against the PMRC (Tipper Gore's organization that tried
>censor music lyrics amongst other things).
>XXXXXX (Name trimmed out)
e-mail ends here
If anyone else went to this meeting, I'd certainly be interested to see your side of the story. Intriguing, eh?
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NEW FORUM!! . . Here's how it works: It's on Delphi, an excellent forum service. . You can view as a guest, or join as a member and post (recommended).. Once you log in, you'll see some topics on the left, then, well, read the messages or post your own. I've kept it relatively broad, so there's plenty to discuss, from DK and punk to books and politics.. so have fun, and please don't hesitate to post. I know a lot of you rock and have some great opinions, so here's your chance to help create a community.. Thanks.
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Now this is cool.. The official Roskilde Festival page has been linking to this site. Jello's going to be there, and if you live in Europe I'd suggest you go to. It's a massive punk/techno/industrial music fest. Check out the page for more info.
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According to the official guest list, on April 7, it shall be: Comedian/ TV Host Jon Stewart; musician Jello Biafra; Rock for Life founder Bryan Kemper; TBA...
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Hey hey! Mr. Biafra will be appearing on Politically Incorrect...airing April 7, 1999. Check local listings for time..
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Oh well, it was bound to happen.. All the mp3s are gone.. That's life. The original goals were met.. A complete DK collection was organized.. A loss, yes, but look at what was accomplished in the last 6 months. Not bad at all.
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WITCH TRIALS! at sounds, courtesy of Conan...The weirdest of all Jello albums rounds off our nice collection well, don't ya think?
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More sounds, courtesy of Conan...list getting too big :) Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been really busy of late.
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Yes, that's right, even more sounds, courtesy of Conan...Added link to links.
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First, I'd like to thank the people that have been coming here, especially those that signed the guestbook.
- N e w s -
Jello is currently touring Europe and will make a few stops in the states. He will also be releasing a new spoken album, entitled "If Evolution is Outlawed, only Outlaws will Evolve" on October 30.
Jello may have to take his ex-band members to court. See my DK page for details.