Afghanistan in The Eyes of Media
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Articles and Comments on Afghan Politics:
Afghanistan Government Structure
New situations, new needs and new mentalities need new ways of thinking and planning of the future.
The reason we cannot do this is because those people responsible for making the decisions for the
future setup are concerned only with their own immediate personal and ethnic interests rather than the country.
BY: Shahab Zazai
ISAF and its future in Afghanistan
The Afghans had very bad memory from the Northern Alliance and thought the ISAF
would gave them security... more
BY: Farooq Azam
Federalism in Afghanistan: A recipe for disintegration
Though ethnically diverse, politicall and socially Afghans have mingled
into one distinct entity: "Afghan." It is this distinction that has
enabled them to remain living in one integral country.
BY: Omar Zakhilwal
A quick glance at the past relations of the two countries remind us
that Washington has always belittled the importance of Afghanistan in the regional or
international game and very sadly history has each time proven it wrong.
BY: Assem Akram
America's Afghan imbroglio descending into the quagmire
At the Loya Jirga in June 2002, Fahim and his factions threatened to take up arms if the US did not
block the candidacy for head of state of the Pushtun former king, Zahir Shah (who had the support
of two-thirds of the delegates).
IISS - Strategic Comments
Winning, Truly, in Afghanistan: There is more to do over there
This episode illustrates a growing danger:
Despite having won militarily in Afghanistan, the U.S. may still lose politically...the Northern Alliance opened the doors to Russian and Iranian advisers and intelligence operatives...
BY: Marin J. Strmecki
An Uneasy Peace
Thirteen-year-old Nahida Hassan became a symbol for Afghan women...When a commander and
20 of his troops broke into her Kabul apartment, killing her 12-year-old brother and gunning down
her other male relatives, Nahida understood she was the target. To avoid being sexually savaged, she leapt
from the sixth floor window to her death...the commander enjoyed the protection of his party, whose cleric leader,
Burhanuddin Rabbani headed the government at the time...
BY: Jan Goodwin