

To Go To Our "Basic Position Statement", For Recent Browsers, Click Here!  For Early Browsers, Click Here!   

See also the Emergency Committee's  "MISSION STATEMENT" directly below on this page. (Simply Scroll Down.)


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     Alarmed that under the United States federal Welfare Repeal Act of 1996* consequent massive relief deprivation and workfare imposition by the several states inherently and flagrantly violates the constitutionally protected rights of the involuntarily unemployed and their familial dependents to vital social security, and inherently and flagrantly violates the constitutionally secured rights of all working people against any imposition of or displacement by prohibited involuntary servitude (by the proscribed forms of forced labor), that thus contravenes both domestic jural standards and the positive norms of the obligatory international labor and human rights law, the "supreme Law of the Land" for the United States, the Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfare Rights therefore urges imperative judicial and legislative action to fully uphold all the so far unsuperceded labor-protective and welfare-rights law.

     In furtherance of its mission, the Emergency Committee shall continue to promote and advocate in political and judicial fora at all levels the constitutional welfare and labor protective rights of the involuntarily unemployed and their families to decent public assistance and from being subject to any prohibited form of forced or compulsory labor, and it shall continue to support the constitutionally secured labor protective rights of all persons against any displacement in employment by the illicitly forced or compulsory labor of others, until the present political reaction in defiantly anti-constitutional welfare deprivation and workfare imposition in this country has been completely overcome.

     The Emergency Committee's objectives shall, in part, be advanced through the directed education of concerned social leaders, jurists and politicians, and through the encouragement of all independent welfare and civil rights legal defense organizations to bring judicial issue over any deprivation or violation of the historically hard won labor and welfare protective rights provisions (posited under federal constitutional guarantee or arising upon the obligatory international labor and human rights law).

     In particular (but without exclusion), the Emergency Committee shall champion United States Thirteenth Amendment constitutional liberty interests from any violation of the prohibition against involuntary servitude found in the imposition on public relief dependent persons of unexempted governmentally required labor; it shall continue to champion all the civil rights of the involuntarily unemployed under the obligatory international law to decent public assistance and to protection from the proscribed forms of forced or compulsory labor, calling for commencement under Art. VI, Cl. 2, of the United States Constitution, of all causes for legal remedy of any welfare rights deprivation or forced labor imposition      i.e., under the Supremacy Clause, which renders the unsuperceded obligatory international labor and human rights law "binding upon all state court judges" and so upon all state and subdivisional agencies and officers; and the Emergency Committee shall continue to urge that all legal action to vindicate any of the so far unsuperceded labor and welfare protective rights from violation or deprivation by any of the several states be brought as well under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, whether the substantive rights at stake are of international, federal or state origin.

     The Emergency Committee shall maintain a referral list of all legal defense organizations and attorneys subscribing to this mission statement and committed to bringing such causes, or who are otherwise known to undertake or to be ready to undertake constitutional challenges upon the obligatory international law to welfare deprivations and forced labor violations under the workfare program.

*Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; 110 U. S. Stat. 2105, et seq.; Pub. Law 104-193.


     If you agree or your organization agrees with the above mission statement of the Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfare Rights, please send the following informationally completed and signed endorsement to us by regular mail. Endorsement of our mission statment is a condition for membership. No dues are required. Organizational members having a related organizational purpose are entitled to representation on our Executive Board and may vote or be consulted by regular mail, fax or e-mail.


(please print name of person or organization)

endorse the above mission statement of the Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfare Rights and

(please check) am/are ( ) or am/are not ( ) able to provide legal assistance for bringing such constitutional issues in individual or class-based cases.

Street Address: ______________________________________________

City, Town or Village: _______________________________________

State, Province, Department or Canton: ________________________________


Ph. No.: ___________________ Fax: ___________________

E-Mail: ____________________ URL: ___________________

Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Title: ______________________________________________

Date: _________________________


      THE EMERGENCY'S COMMITTEE'S "BASIC POSITION STATEMENT" may now be accessed here.  To click on, see the note under the heading at the beginning of our home page above or access that file by clicking on immediately below.  This recently published position paper adopted by the Emergency Committee, is a legal proof particularizing the welfare and labor protective rights posited in the obligatory international law being violated under welfare/workfare reform today in the United States by the several states.  For Recent Browsers, CLICK HERE!    For Early Browsers, CLICK HERE!

      If you are unable to print copy off the net of either the Emergency Committee's "Mission Statement" or of our "Basic Position Statement", you may request copy of us. Donations to cover costs would be accepted and appreciated.  Please make you check or money order payable to the Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfare Rights, U.S.A., or to "ECDCWR--USA" (our IRS authorized abbreviation).

Please Send Your Requests and Contributions To:

Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfare Rights, U.S.A.
c/o Mr. Martin J. Sawma, Executive Director & International Representative
3501 Westwood Drive, Room 4
Niagara Falls, New York
United States of America 14305-3416

Tel.: (716) 297-7273.  Fax: (630) 929-3839; or (916) 314-8187.  E-Mail: welfarerights@geocities.com or mjsawma@welfarerights.org

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(All Messages Are Confidential; They Are Read Only By Emergency Committee Staff.)

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