Lucas M. Engelhardt


Economics and Finance

The Arts

Costa Rica 2004

Fun Stuff


My Blog
E-mail Me
What's New:
November 6, 2006
The paper that I wrote for the Austrian Student Scholars Conference is now available.  If you're interested in a little bit easier explanation of the kind of material that I'll probably be writing my dissertation on (assuming all goes well...  by the way, I have NO idea what the specifics will be like), feel free to read Vintage Capital, Putty Clay Technologies, and Austrian Capital Theory   Archived under Economics and Finance.

September 18, 2006
Another paper that I wrote this summer for class.  Kurozumi's "Determinacy and expectational stability of equilibirum in a monetary sticky-price model with Taylor rule":  A Review  Archived under Economics and Finance.  Also, don't be afraid if you don't understand it.  It's a pretty complicated paper.

August 28, 2006
It's been a long time since I've updated, but the time has come!  First year of Economics PhD coursework has been taking a lot of the time I'd use to write.  But, that's over now, and writing will probably be more a part of my coursework now.   I'm posting the independent study that I worked on this summer:  The Heterogeneity of Capital:  A Survey.  The article will be archived under Economics and Finance.

November 30, 2005
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) has ended.  And, here is the result of my attempt:  A Day Like Every Other (pdf).  Enjoy.  (It will be archived under The Arts).

October 30, 2005
A new article posted!  I just wrote up A Theory of Sacrament Progression.  It will be archived under Theology.  Also, I'd like to introduce you to a great site about Emergent Christianity.  Emergent Village is a wonderful site for those interested in Emergent.  I'm archiving the link under Theology and Links.  Join us on the journey!

October 11, 2005

As promised, here is my new Bible
Commentary, in PDF format.  It will be updated occasionally, and I'll post an announcement here, when I do.  It will be archived under Theology.

October 8, 2005

Two months with no updates.  Sorry.  Just so you know, I do update my blog far more regularly than my website, so feel free to check there for more up to date information.  In other news, I have started writing my own Verse-by-Verse Commentary of the Bible.  Far less scholarly and far more conversational/devotional than the typical commentary, I hope to make it available to you in PDF format which will be updated as I expand it.  Also, if you're interested in Sports (and the occassional "non-sports post"), check out my friend
Mike's Blog.  I'm archiving the link under "Links" and "Fun Stuff".

August 3, 2005

I'm posting another one of my old books that I wrote a couple years ago.  So, here, in PDF format, is
Oops, We Did It Again!  (Or the Amazing Growing Government and How You're paying for Its Mistakes) Note:  I don't know that I entirely agree with some of the stuff I said in this...  But, it's food for thought at that's more the point, anyway.  It will be archived under "Politics".

August 2, 200
A ne
w Lucas Show is up!  Hear some thoughts on abortion.

July 22, 200
My first book in quite a while has a rough draft done!  Feel free to read it and send me comments.  You can find it here:
Heavenly Worship in PDF format.  It will be archived under "Theology".

July 18, 200
My ne
w Lucas Show is up!  How profits help entrepreneurs serve...  well, all of us!

July 13, 200
My ne
w Lucas Show is up!  How the Supreme Court hates property rights.

June 27, 200
My ne
w Lucas Show is up.  How Art Subsidies are just a subsidy for the rich, and how we can live without them.

June 20, 200
My ne
w Lucas Show is up.  Down with National Health Insurance (and stupid doctors that think it's a good idea).

June 13, 200
A ne
w Lucas Show is now available!  Hear what I think about Fair Trade!

June 6, 200
Right on time for the first time in a while...  A ne
w Lucas Show is up!  Here some little Reflections on Toll Roads.

May 30, 200
I apologize for the tardiness!  The transition to dialup is killing me...  But, the lates
t Lucas Show is finally up.  I'll leave it up for a week, and update next Monday, assuming I get time and inspiration (I plan on it, so don't expect me not to!).  Anyway, this week's topic...  Star Wars and Interventionism.

May 12, 200
I almost typed "wOOt" instead of 2005...  Interesting.  Anyway, the time has come for anothe
r Lucas Show!  Just another ramble by yours truly about stages of life passing.  I hope it proves inspiring.

May 4, 200
A day early!  The thir
d Lucas Show is up!  This week's topic:  Social Security.  Boring, I know.  But, important, nonetheless.  Reminder:  I don't have space here to archive.  If anyone knows a good (free) place where I could do that, let me know.  Also, go check out Narcissus Magazine!  It's fun!

April 28, 200
The second session of th
e Lucas Show is up!  Hear how I feel about "artistes"...  Ugh...  (Sorry for the poor audio quality, I had to lessen it to get the file to an "uploadable" size.)

April 21, 200
Finally!  I'm updating again.  So you know, check my Live Journal on a regular basis.  I update it far more frequently than my website.  But, it's content is a bit less substantially than my stuff here.  Just so you know.  But, I'm updating for a different reason!  I'm introducing th
e Lucas Show! So you know, I won't be able to archive, so the link might be broken if there's a new episode up.  Sorry...  Oh!  And e-mail me to ask me a question!

March 30, 20
I've decided to weigh in on the case o
f Terri Schiavo.

March 18, 20
Well, the transition is going well thus far.  I've moved about 7 entries onto here (in The Arts and Theology), moved one of my Costa Rica albums to Yahoo! Photos (the other will be going shortly to get more space), and replaced all the "My Blog" links so that they should all point to my Live Journal.  As always, if you encounter any problems with maneuvering through the site, the
n e-mail me.

March 17, 20
I stand at the crossroads.  Help me decide which way to go by answering m
y New Poll!

I've starting moving some of my more substantive entries onto this site, that way they'll be saved if I decide to get rid of Diaryland (which is the way I'm leaning right now).  So, things are moving!

My LJ is setup!  G
o here for it.


I was born on April 15, 1983.  Graduated from Lake High School in Uniontown, OH in 2001.  Born in Akron, grew up in St. Clairsville, OH (in the SE quarter of the state).  Graduated from
Grove City Collge (PA) in 2005 with a BA in Economics.

I'm currently in my 2nd year of PhD studies at
The Ohio State University.

As always, feel free
to e-mail or post in my Guestbook.  I'd love to hear from you!