The Politics of Hypocrisy

Class Struggle and the Rise of Hitler;
the completion of the Case for Socialism section

Home Guestbook Booklist the Case for Socialism
The Calm Before the Storm
The Coming War With Iran The Russian Provisional Government and the War Crisis in North Korea: the Eagle Falters Background to the U.S.-North Korea Crisis
1,000 too many, but how many more? the Bush Doctrine Suicide Bombings & "Realism" in Palestine Anti-war Handbook
A20 Protest Lessons of the Spanish Revolution What Now After Afghanistan? Don't Turn Tragedy Into War!
Don't Let Bush Execute McVeigh! Mid-East Peace? Debacle 2000 Nader vs. Gush and Bore
Executioner's Ball Death Penalty on Trial IMF-World Bank Protest April 16th W.T.O. & the Battle of Seattle
Humanitarian Violence Population Control School Criminalizing Youth
Trenchcoat Mafia vs Daytrader Mafia Links Quotes Me

12/28/06 - Syndicalism
6/8/06 - the Coming Storm
4/21/06 - the Coming War With Iran
43/15/06 - the Russian Provisional Government and the War
12/30/05 - The Crisis in North Korea: the Eagle Falters, the Dragon Steps In; Background to the U.S.-North Korea Crisis
7/15/05 - Booklist
11/6/04 - 1,000 too many, but how many more?
11/30/02 - the Bush Doctrine
8/31/02 - Why You Should Join the ISO
8/4/02 - Terrorism; Pacifism; Suicide Bombings & "Realism" in Palestine
7/25/02 - "What is Trotskyism?"; Maoism
5/24/02 - Stalinism; Monuments
5/16/02 - Anti-war activst hand book; "What is women's liberation? Aren't women free already?"
5/1/02 - April 20th Protest
3/28/02 - Many Fronts, One War; Reformism; Lessons of the Spanish Revolution
3/10/02 - Anarchism; "But socialists are such a tiny minority"
2/21/02 - "You can't get rid of racism! People always fear what's different..." and "Do Socialists Fight for Reforms?"
2/16/02 - reposted "Isn't Revolution Violent" since it was down; "Professional revolutionaries? Isn't that elitist?"; Communism vs socialism
12/19/01 - "How I Became a socialist"
12/13/01 - What Now After Afghanistan?
11/22/01 - "Won't a revolution eventually lead to more inequality?"
11/21/01 - Socialists and War
10/6/01 - "Don't Turn Tragedy Into War!"
6/28/01 - "Do socialists believe in God?", "Would garbagement be paid as much as doctors?", "Who is the 'ruling class'?"
5/12/01 - "Isn't revolution violent?", Stop the Execution of Tim McVeigh
3/23/01 - "What is class anyway? Why is it important?"
1/30/01 - "But the free market is more effecient!"
1/29/01 - "People are just naturally lazy"
1/28/01 - Can There Be Peace in the Middle East?
1/6/01 - "Under socialism, we'd all be the same"
12/22/00 - Debacle 2000: the Elections and After
12/15/00 - Russia: Fake Socialism
12/09/00 - Socialism vs. Human Nature
10/18/00 - "How can workers ever run society?"
9/13/00 - Crashing the Executioner's Ball.
9/1/00 - Nader vs Gush and Bore
8/13/00 - "What do we mean by socialism?"
8/3/00 - Pics for the anti World Bank and IMF protest
8/1/00 - "Crises"
6/24/00 - Death Penalty on Trial: what you can do to fight it.
6/18/00 - "Why exploitation and alienation are endemic to the system"
5/28/00 - "What is capital?"
5/23/00 - Anti World Bank and IMF Protest, April 16th in Washington DC
4/29/00 - "Why Work Sucks"
3/19/00 - "Exploitation"
3/4/00 - added some pics of myself for your chewing satisfaction. Thanks to Ether for his patience and scanner.
2/21/00 - "Unnecessary Contradictions" and "(the Case for) Socialism"
1/27/00 - the W.T.O. and the Battle of Seattle: Can we beat the multi-nationals?
10/30/99 - Humanitarian Violence
10/5/99 - Population Control... From Cold War to "Drug War"; the lies continue

Fighting for Worker's Power and international socialism

Even if you aren't a revolutionary, or even a socialist, I urge you to check out this site. After all, what do you have to lose? Its obviously done me some good.

How many have entered this website and decided to change this world?

Any suggestions, criticism, or comments please email me here.