This archive contains various unsorted
files on World War 2. Three letters in the brackets marks on
which language (Lithuanian or English) files are available.
For those who have some interesting articles, school, college or
university papers on WW2 and wants them to be placed here, can do
so by e-mailing
me. Articles in all languages and formats
(HTM or HTML does the priority) are welcomed.
1. (LTU) Aplanko "H" paslaptis - 1941 m. vermachto kareiviams išleista knygutė-atmintinė kaip elgtis okupuotose SSRS teritorijose ir Maskvoje
2. (LTU) Barbarossos planas - Direktyva Nr. 21. SSRS užgrobimo operacija
3. (ENG) WW2 German Code Names - Code names of all German operations, any special activities, Hitler's headquarters and etc
4. (ENG) Most successful Luftwaffe pilots - TOP 34 Aces of the German Military Air Force
5. (LTU) Rezultatyviausi Luftwaffe pilotai - 34 Luftwaffe pilotai, oro kautynėse numušę daugiausiai lėktuvų
6. (ENG) Most successful U-Boats - TOP 20 of the Aces of Deep
7. (LTU)
Vokietija - Lenkijos karas 1939 m. - II-ojo
Pasaulinio karo pradža Jei norite parsisiųsti visą tekstą, spauskite ČIA. |
8. (ENG) International Military Tribunal, The Nuremberg War-Criminals Trial - description, defendants and verdicts
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