
This page last updated 05/12/99 19:10 |
In The News Page Scary stuff I notice !!!!!!!!!!! |
Here is the
latest bit of government bull. And this is the first rant I have had to do against a state. I live in New Mexico, I was born in New Mexico, my Mother was born in New Mexico. But right now our state government is really pulling some good ones. First off N.M. was in on the big law suit against the
tobacco companies, "To pay for health care costs, caused by smoking". This seems O.K. on the
surface, except now, the state Senate and House, are wanting to know what they should do with the money! HOW ABOUT SPEND IT ON HEALTH CARE!! |
This is a prime example of our elected
officials screwing the crap out of us. They sued those companies on a pretext of paying for healthcare, and now want to use that money for other things! BULLSHIT, that is no
different the giving a bum a dollar for "food" and then watching him walk into a liquor store!! And we voted for these people!! The problem seems to me we have no regular people to watch out for us. If only the rich get into office, then only their
interests are looked out for. |
This next bit I
believe to be even worse. There is a large uproar about gambling on the reservations around here, the state wants 16% of all the slot machine money. This would be O.K. if the state had been
helping these people before they had gaming. But any time the Native Americans in this state asked for ANY type of help from the state, they were told that it was a
FEDERAL PROBLEM. And now that they are doing well the state wants a piece of their action!!! They have some big brass ones in the state house!! |
I can not
believe how much our states have begun to behave like the Fed's, I guess its because, any more their all in bed together.
Truly sad. We as a people need to take back our Government, both at the state and Federal level. |
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