Greg's Labour Party Page

Congratulations to Germany on electing thier 1st centre-left
government for 16 years...we in the UK know what it is like
to be out in the wilderness for so long!
I have been a member of the Labour Party since April 1997, a month before the party won the General Election of that year.
It was quite a resounding victory...!

My local MP was Conservative...Walter Sweeney...a notorious man. He lost the smallest majority in the country to John Smith...who, on May 1st 1997 gained a majority of 10,000...
Even I won my little election...

This could not have been possible though
without the hard work put in by the many unnamed Labour
activists. This page...and the pages that follow are
dedicated to them.
This set of pages will in time contain information from my own CLP the Vale of Glamorgan...from the Cardiff CLP's, and the Young Labour Group...and links to other Labour Party/Labour Students sites.
- The Vale of Glamorgan CLP News