CEPLA Homepage

Council for the Study and Protection of Asturian Language

Historic profile

Traditional Asturian games

Data: it's spoken in the Spanish state in Asturies and Lleón. Although in Senabria (Zamora) and there is a variety in Miranda do Douro (Portugal). In Asturies there are about 300,000 people that speak Asturian, from 1,100,000 inhabitants. According to the socio-linguistic study of Llera-Ramo (1991), 61% of Asturian people are agree with the oficial status of their language, and more than 80% agree with the normalization process.

Historic profile: Upon the X century the Asturian, derived from Latin, was spoken throughout today's regions of Asturies, Ancares, and the North of Lleon. During the middle of XIII century, this language was spoken in Lleon and the North of Zamora. And at the latestt XIII, it arrived Guadiana river. Then started the margination process carried out by the Castillan state, from XIV to XIX centuries. At the begining of the last century, here starts a literary movement that only will be a true one along the XX century. About the 20's it was set up an Academy in Xixón, but it doesn't go on. In 1971 a council arround Asturian language is set up, and the society named "Conceyu Bable" makes important efforts for the improvement of the Asturian language situation. After the democracy arrives, in 1984 the Asturian is learned at school. In 1986 begin the Principalty of Asturies Linguistic Politic Bureau. And in 1994 the University of Uvieu offers the Asturian Filology studies.

Literature: In 1155 is published the "Fueru d'Aviles", the first text known to date in Asturian language. Then were published the "Fueru d'Uvieu" (1295), the "Fueru de Campumanes" (1247), and the "Fueru Xulgu" (laws from the Asturies and Lleon Kingdom). It also has been published over the XIII century, the book Alexandre in Astorga. In 1639 there is a poetry prize in Asturian, about Santolaya. During the XVI century, L. Alfonso de Carballo writes "Asturian Language". During the XVIII, it was published "The Quixote from Cantabria", and Mr. Ribeia and Mr. Larrea also write in Asturian. Mr. Xovellanos, a great mind from the european illustration, great politician and philosopher, purposed to build up the "Academia de les Bones Lletres" for the study of this idiom, and his sister Xosefa also writes in Asturian. Over the XIX century there are a lot of writers, and the first Asturian gramatic known to date, Xunquera Huergo, 1869. Famous writers of this time are Caveda y Nava, Laverde Ruiz and Canella. At the begining of the XX century, Fernan Coronas writes an extensive work. Then came the Republic Generation, and Pin de Pria. In 1974 starts the movement named "El Surdimientu", most of the actual Asturian writers belong to it.

Normalization: is scase. Actually it isn't official language, although there is a clear acceptance by Asturians, and the effort of more than 100 cultural colectives resulted in a historic manifestation in Uvieu on November 25th, with more than 25,000 persons. The 4th article of the Autonomy Statute only says that "[...]Asturian must be protected [...]". There aren't a Linguistic Normalization Law, although there were several projects. There are several Magazines only in Asturian, but few radio programes or newspapers articles. In T.V. there was some minutes to speak in Asturian language and documentals a few years ago. Most of the music groups use the Asturian in their songs.

Contact address: if you'd like more information about this, write to the "Conceyu pol Estudiu y Proteición de la Llingua Asturiana":

CEPLA Cai Cabrales 19, 5u drecha
33201 Xixón
e-mail: cepla@asturies.org

El CEPLA tien comu oxetivos l'afondar na conocencia ya l'estudiu de la llingua asturiana, asina comu desendolcar un llabor d'afitamientu de la so sobrevivencia ya la so normalización. El CEPLA espubliza una revista de calter cultural: El Canciu'l Cuélebre, asoleya pegates, calandarios, camisetes ya otros materiales. Amás ta trabayando nun proyeutu de curtiometraxe, ya nuna campaña polos drechos llingüísticos de los asturfalantes, xunta delles asociaciones llingüístiques más.

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