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Frequently asked questions about God and Christianity
Overview of the privatisation trend
The free market is morally superior to socialism and creates wealth for everyone
Privatising schools will have tremendous positive effects on our society
Health privatisation will produce a much better health service for less
Road privatisation will eliminate traffic jams and speed up journeys
Welfare doesn't help people. Why it needs replaced by non government solutions
99% of laws are negative in their impact and need to be repealed
Inflation can be eliminated without the need for central banks
Democracy is not ideal, the rule of law is
How the privatisation of society will affect you
The industrial revolution was fantastic for the poor and everyone else
Population in the 19th century
The growth of cities in the 19th century
Colonalism was good for the colonies
Feudalism lasted well into the 19th century
American free enterprise
Financial trends
The nineteenth century displays the benefits of Free trade
Unions had an overall negative effect on the poor
Foreign policy in C19 was nationalistic rather than Christian
Workers and Democracy
Freedom from the Aristocracy grew in the nineteenth century
Government grew in the c19 -a lack of clear thinking on its role
Religious policy
Romanticism -individualism and feelings orientated, and other ideas
Nationalism- why modern man looks to the state for salvation
Liberalism didn’t go far enough in the nineteenth century
The remaining autocracies
Europe dominated the world by this time
Why defense should be in the private sector
HOW can defense be done privately
Isolation is NOT the Christian, free market position on defense. Intervention can be worth it
Pacificism, treaties, democracy, etc will not solve the problem of war
Why wars have happened historically
Some solutions that would be more likely to work
How a Christian society could have been defended differently at various times in history
Standing armies can be a good thing
A summary of world military history
How to set the level of defense expenditure in a market setting
How to decide foreign policy in a market setting
Approaches to foreign policy that we should reject
How this foreign policy applies to situations like India
Is it enough simply to trust God
Can warfare make the world a better place-a biblical perspective
4 books on nutrition. What vitamins to take, what foods to take, why fat isn't the real culprit
The bible teaches us to form a Free Market Christian society and teaches against socialism
Negligence is 50/50 in unforseeable circumstances in Biblical law (unlike US UK)
Nuisance suits come under the normal categories of torts under Biblical law
Vicarious liability is just a special case of foreseeability/ unforseeability
Theft actions are a tort under Biblical law and call for restitution
Penalties for child abuse under biblical law are very strong
Law of evidence involves two or three forms of evidence
Intellectual property rights =eternal patents with penalties for monopolistic use
Property law under biblical law are based on original ownership and contract not possession
The law of persons under biblical law- universality versus nationalism
The law of marriage under Biblical law - a private contract , the state is not involved
The law of divorce
The law of corporations- no limited liability
Trusts would not be too relevant in a free market society
Procedural law
Is protection of privacy really desirable?
What kind of constitution should a Christian nation have?
Debate on a newsgroup about corporations
Why sex should be illegal outside marriage
Why drugs should be legal
How we should think about groups
Why adoption is always preferable to abortion
The sociology of marriage and divorce
Rape should be a capital offense, so how we define it matters.
Gender issues harmony and respect for differences not gender conflict
Does one person's homosexuality really not harm society as a whole?
How should we think about race
Why unlimited immigration is a mark of a free, Christian society
Sociology of crime from a biblical perspective
Why class is not a good way to understand society
The sociology of poverty
The freedom to live without taxation will replace current democratic structures
What are the benefits of becoming a Christian
Does God exist
Have we been conditioned not to pay attention to God?
If there is no truth why does my philosophy professor expect my essays to make sense?
What's so special about the Bible ?
I'm a nice person, that’s enough
Political systems differ,, chocolate differs, but all religions are equally good ? Really?
I would be a Christian if it wasn't for the church !
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
How to privatise railways properly-competitive track owners
How to privatise airports properly- competitive ownership of slots
How to privatise housing properly
How to privatise social work- private funding through foundations
Plan for how a nation should be privatised and the general principles of privatisation
What would the constitution of a free Christian nation look like after privatisation
How each individual area should be privatised
Privatising telecoms, social services, railways, electricity,water.
Privatisation in Eastern Europe
Updates to Downsizing the State
New Book
All you need to know about the sixteenth century
All you need to know about the seventeenth century
All you need to know about the eighteenth century
All you need to know about the nineteenth century
Books on war
Beirut to Jerusalem by Friedman -insights on modern Israel and Lebanon
The rise and fall of Great Powers by Paul Kennedy
The Federalist Papers All their insights and comments on their shortcomings
Gilders Spirit of Enterprise: why capitalism is the most effective and most moral system
Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in France
Fischers Great Wave a history of inflation from medieval times to the present
Why Will Hutton's "The State we are In" is in error in 50 ways
The Bell Curve Murray The effect of intelligence on crime, poverty, family and race
Global trends
Notes on Education
International Trade
What strategy should we use to move to a better, freer more Christian order?
Gun control never stopped a criminal get a gun, but it has led to government genocide
By executing a few murderers, countries deter the 3600 murders pa we permit in Britain
Financial Services Regulation don't stop fraud like a liability system would
Equal opportunity Regs
Key areas
Latin America
Capital Radio and Graham Kendrick in Brunei
Hash in Malaysia
Islam Brunei Style
The Venice of the East ?
Chinese Walls…. and Towers
Kung fu and Karaoke
Who on earth is Belathceth
How to get into a library in 4 hours or less
A plague of beatles
St Margaret de Escocia
Guavara's Daughter
Disasters natural and political
The fittest people in history
The full employment economy
Why never to go for a pizza in Mexico city
Floating gardens and defeneded houses
How to get 28 people into one house
The internet and the feminisation of computers
A CIA pilot confesses
Fancy a cactus sandwich?
Chocolate and Chigley
Similar churches, disimilar wages
Road naming and world trends in religion
Thomas the tank engine and tequila
Egality and Fraternity in Latin America
Death rates for beatles and hedgehogs
Why do people want to travel ?
Ambience and how to spot the bad guys
Why never to fly Iberia airlines
Globalisation of Christmas
Dracula's daughter
Transport in Hungary
Industrialisation and Aristocracy in Hungary
Ways of makind money in Hungary
Gulf justice- being cruel to be kind?
The cost of regulation in India
Don’t Stare !
Transport in Bombay
Cultural differences
When you drop dead drop in!
Why investment in India is probably not wise
Why India is poor - socialism and eastern religion
Things that take a little getting used to
The poorest of the poor
Carpets, carpets, carpets !
Prague and why I like it
Life in Prague
Inside the mind of a Czech vandal
Why everyone should have six year old friends
The secretary from hell
Grand Tour of Mexico 98
Pleasant Johanesburg-
Take me where the sun is shining
On Safari
Ebony and Ivory in South Africa
Cape Town
Culture and Race
Computers and bumper stickers in Kuala Lumpur
Bangkok and Budhism
Most things are the same everywhere
Successful Singapore= don't knock it
The Forest of Atlanta
The Deep South
Peter Fyfe
In Defense of the Car
Health and Safety Issues in the latest Star Wars film
Wonders of Modern Technology and Washington
The end of the world is nigh, not
The Party with a difference
What happens at a Mensa weekend
The Forest of Atlanta
Understand how economic growth works
Understand why differences in income in society are not always a bad thing.
Predatory pricing doesn't work very often
LT Unemployment only really happens in countries with welfare systems
Understand how international trade works
Understand the significance of internet auctions
The earth is young. Evolution hasn't had time to occur. Meteoric dust isn't enough.
The earth is young. There's not enough radiogenic helium for an old earth.
The earth is young. The magnetic field decay of the earth show us
Dating using radio isotopes is so unreliable as to be entirely useless.
The creatures that formed fossils would have decayed if the process had been gradual
There is considerable evidence for recent formation of mountains
Fossiled animals show evidence of being burried underwater suddenly not gradually.
There is a a lack of fossil evidence of intermediate stages so necessary for evolution.
Fossils appear the same in the fossil record at the beginning of the period from the end
Small changes do not accumulate.
The information in DNA is so complex it is not possible it could have evolved.
The jump between non life and life could NOT have taken place.
The geological column shows evidence of a cataclysmic event not r millions of years.
The 10 layers of the geological column do not in fact occur in practice
The dating concept rests of circular reasoning. Its not logically thought out.
We don't see fossils in the process of being formed today (at any stage)
The Grand Canyon gives evidence of deep water sudden deposits -its very uniform.
Vast numbers of experiments to change species have been entirely unsuccessful.
There is no evidence in nature of macro evolution.
Mutations don't produce new genetic information.
Natural selection stabilises rather than produces change
Natural selection is not a credible theory for the start of an eye becoming an eye. .
Microevolution happens but species never change into other species.
Fossils appear suddenly in the fossil record , evidence for a sudden laying down.
There are no intermediate stages between finned and limbed creatures in the fossil record.
There are no intermediate stages between reptiles and birds in the fossil record
There are no intermediate stages between apes and man in the fossil record, those
Many Scandinavians have identical features to Neanderthals.
Leading biologists have called the theory a "fairytale for grown ups"
Scientists who reject Darwinism are rapidly growing in number.
Some believe in evolution precisely because they prefer not not to believe in a creator.
A flood scenario is in keeping with the facts.
If evolution was true why won't they engage in a written scientific debate about it?
4 Books about relationships : Mars and Venus, Are you the One, etc
Nazism was short for national socialism it was a left wing movement
The bible talks about growth and victory, premillenialism about defeat
Understanding prophecy involves understanding old testament symbolism
The millenium in the Bible simply means a long time
John 12 says Satan was bound and cast out when Jesus died on the cross
God uses sun,moon,stars, language often in scripture about judgements on nations
Many other scriptures concur that the earth is permanent
Mat 24 and 1 Thes 4 are clearly taking about the same event
Prophetic events tooks place in the generation living in Jesus' day , for us they are past
What was the first resurrection that has already taken place
When is the judgement
Apart from the all the ends of the earth coming to God what else is future?
What does forever mean?
Spurgon held this view, so did Chrysostom and many others
Why what you believe about prophecy deeply affects your life
Jay Adams on preterism
Christ is in his kingdom now, he's not waiting
Some random notes on prophecy
Mat 25 is not about the end of the world
Bibliography for this website
Capital Radio and Graham Kendrick in Brunei
Hash in Malaysia
Islam Brunei Style
The Venice of the East ?
Chinese Walls…. and Towers
Kung fu and Karaoke
Who on earth is Belathceth
How to get into a library in 4 hours or less
A plague of beatles
St Margaret de Escocia
Guavara's Daughter
Disasters natural and political
The fittest people in history
The full employment economy
Why never to go for a pizza in Mexico city
Floating gardens and defeneded houses
How to get 28 people into one house
The internet and the feminisation of computers
A CIA pilot confesses
Fancy a cactus sandwich?
Chocolate and Chigley
Similar churches, disimilar wages
Road naming and world trends in religion
Thomas the tank engine and tequila
Egality and Fraternity in Latin America
Death rates for beatles and hedgehogs
Why do people want to travel ?
Ambience and how to spot the bad guys
Why never to fly Iberia airlines
Globalisation of Christmas
Dracula's daughter
Transport in Hungary
Industrialisation and Aristocracy in Hungary
Ways of makind money in Hungary
Gulf justice- being cruel to be kind?
The cost of regulation in India
Don’t Stare !
Transport in Bombay
Cultural differences
When you drop dead drop in!
Why investment in India is probably not wise
Why India is poor - socialism and eastern religion
Things that take a little getting used to
The poorest of the poor
Carpets, carpets, carpets !
Prague and why I like it
Life in Prague
Inside the mind of a Czech vandal
Why everyone should have six year old friends
The secretary from hell
Grand Tour of Mexico 98
Pleasant Johanesburg-
Take me where the sun is shining
On Safari
Ebony and Ivory in South Africa
Cape Town
Culture and Race
Computers and bumper stickers in Kuala Lumpur
Bangkok and Budhism
Most things are the same everywhere
Successful Singapore= don't knock it
The Forest of Atlanta
The Deep South
Peter Fyfe
In Defense of the Car
Health and Safety Issues in the latest Star Wars film
Wonders of Modern Technology and Washington
The end of the world is nigh, not
The Party with a difference
What happens at a Mensa weekend
Overview of the privatisation trend
The free market is morally superior to socialism and creates wealth for everyone
Privatising schools will have tremendous positive effects on our society
Health privatisation will produce a much better health service for less
Road privatisation will eliminate traffic jams and speed up journeys
Welfare doesn't help people. Why it needs replaced by non government solutions
99% of laws are negative in their impact and need to be repealed
Inflation can be eliminated without the need for central banks
Democracy is not ideal, the rule of law is
How the privatisation of society will affect you
How to privatise railways
How to privatise airports
How to privatise housing
How to privatise social work
Plan for how a nation should be privatised and the general principles of privatisation
What would the constitution of a free Christian nation look like after privatisation
How each individual area should be privatised
Privatising telecoms, social services, railways, electricity,water.
Privatisation in Eastern Europe
Updates to Downsizing the State
Understand how economic growth works
Understand why differences in income in society are not always a bad thing.
Predatory pricing doesn't work very often
Understand how unemployment works
Understand how international trade works
Understand the significance of internet auctions
The industrial revolution was fantastic for the poor and everyone else
Population in the 19th century
The growth of cities in the 19th century
Colonalism was good for the colonies
Feudalism lasted well into the 19th century
American free enterprise
Financial trends
Free trade
Unions had an overall negative effect on the poor
Foreign policy in C19 was nationalistic rather than Christian
Workers and Democracy
Government grew in the c19 -a lack of clear thinking on its role
Religious policy
Romanticism and other ideas
The remaining autocracies
Europe dominated the world by this time
Why defense should be in the private sector
HOW can defense be done privately
Isolation is NOT the Christian, free market position on defense. Intervention can be worth it.
Pacificism, treaties, democracy, etc will not solve the problem of war
Why wars have happened historically
Some solutions that would be more likely to work
How a Christian society could have been defended differently at various times in history
Standing armies can be a good thing
A summary of world military history
How to set the level of defense expenditure in a market setting
How to decide foreign policy in a market setting
Approaches to foreign policy that we should reject
How this foreign policy applies to situations like India
Is it enough simply to trust God
Can warfare make the world a better place-a biblical perspective
The bible teaches us to form a Free Market Christian society and teaches against socialism
Negligence under Biblical Law
Nuisance suits under Biblical law
Vicarious liability under Biblical law
Theft actions (tort)
Penalties for child abuse under biblical law
Law of evidence
Intellectual property rights
Property law under biblical law
The law of persons under biblical law
The law of marriage under Biblical law
The law of divorce
The law of corporations
Trusts would not be too relevant in a free market society
Procedural law
Is protection of privacy really desirable?
What kind of constitution should a Christian nation have?
Debate on a newsgroup about corporations
Why sex should be illegal outside marriage
Why drugs should be legal
How we should think about groups
Why adoption is always preferable to abortion
The sociology of marriage and divorce
Gender issues harmony and respect for differences not gender conflict
Does one person's homosexuality really not harm society as a whole?
How should we think about race
Why unlimited immigration is a mark of a free, Christian society
Sociology of crime from a biblical perspective
Why class is not a good way to understand society
The sociology of poverty
Government and Democracy
What are the benefits of becoming a Christian
Does God exist
Have we been conditioned not to pay attention to God?
If there is no truth why does my philosophy professor expect my essays to make sense?
What's so special about the Bible ?
I'm a nice person, that’s enough
Political systems differ,, chocolate differs, but all religions are equally good ? Really?
I would be a Christian if it wasn't for the church !
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
Books on war
Beirut to Jerusalem by Friedman -insights on modern Israel and Lebanon
The rise and fall of Great Powers by Paul Kennedy
The Federalist Papers All their insights and comments on their shortcomings
Gilders Spirit of Enterprise: why capitalism is the most effective and most moral system
Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in France
Fischers Great Wave a history of inflation from medieval times to the present
Why Will Hutton's "The State we are In" is in error in 50 ways
The Bell Curve Murray The effect of intelligence on crime, poverty, family and race
Global trends
Notes on Education
International Trade
Gun control never stopped a criminal get a gun, but it has led to government genocide
capital punishment
Financial Services Regulation
Equal opportunity Regs
Key areas
Differences in Income
Economic Growth
Latin America
The earth is young. Evolution hasn't had time to occur. Meteoric dust isn't enough.
The earth is young. There's not enough radiogenic helium for an old earth.
The earth is young. The magnetic field decay of the earth show us
Dating using radio isotopes is so unreliable as to be entirely useless.
The creatures that formed fossils would have decayed if the process had been gradual
There is considerable evidence for recent formation of mountains
Fossiled animals show evidence of being burried underwater suddenly not gradually.
There is a a lack of fossil evidence of intermediate stages so necessary for evolution.
Fossils appear the same in the fossil record at the beginning of the period from the end
Small changes do not accumulate.
The information in DNA is so complex it is not possible it could have evolved.
The jump between non life and life could NOT have taken place.
The geological column shows evidence of a cataclysmic event not r millions of years.
The 10 layers of the geological column do not in fact occur in practice
The dating concept rests of circular reasoning. Its not logically thought out.
We don't see fossils in the process of being formed today (at any stage)
The Grand Canyon gives evidence of deep water sudden deposits -its very uniform.
Vast numbers of experiments to change species have been entirely unsuccessful.
There is no evidence in nature of macro evolution.
Mutations don't produce new genetic information.
Natural selection stabilises rather than produces change
Natural selection is not a credible theory for the start of an eye becoming an eye. .
Microevolution happens but species never change into other species.
Fossils appear suddenly in the fossil record , evidence for a sudden laying down.
There are no intermediate stages between finned and limbed creatures in the fossil record.
There are no intermediate stages between reptiles and birds in the fossil record
There are no intermediate stages between apes and man in the fossil record, those
Many Scandinavians have identical features to Neanderthals.
Leading biologists have called the theory a "fairytale for grown ups"
Scientists who reject Darwinism are rapidly growing in number.
Some believe in evolution precisely because they prefer not to believe in a creator.
A flood scenario is in keeping with the facts.
If evolution was true why won't they engage in a written scientific debate about it?