National Symbols of Ordland


National flag :

(note: the blue border is NOT part of the flag.)

National Anthem  "National Anthem of the Republic of Ordland" (João Madureira, who originally called it "Forward, Ordland")
National Coat-of-Arms:  The "Sun and Moon" in the flag. Official Scheme of Construction:

Detailed descriptions:

National Flag: In 1:2 proportions, a white square surrounded on the left and right by black. Each part of black has the same area as half of the white square, thus the two parts of black have a combined area that is equal to the white area. In the middle of the white area, the National Coat of Arms. The equal areas of white and black refer to the ancient title of the Kings of Ordland : "Master of Day and Night".

See also:


National Anthem: It was composed by a up to now unkown composer, João Madureira, who submitted his piece for a string ensemble to the Commission on the New National Anthem of the Republic of Ordland. It pleased the jury so much that it was acclaimed as the winner. The Commission said that its Renassaince style was adequate to modern times, because that period was the period in which mankind advanced the most in Science and Art, in all countries, including Ordland.


National Coat-of-Arms: As all Ordlandic coats-of-arms, the arms are in the form of a roundel. It represents a Sun covered by a Moon (another allusion to the title of the Kings of Ordland "Master of Day and Night"). It is blazoned (in ordlandic regional blazon) as: "A Sun full or, above it a Moon Facing Right left argent", which means: a sun in gold using the whole field, with a white moon pointing right on the left part of the field, above the sun.

See also: