Welcome to my Guestbook!

Les Deffner - 11/25/00 03:53:43
My URL:/ldeffner/mypage.html
My Email:ldeffner@hotmail.com
Country: U.S.
State (In U.S.): IL
Pat, my good friend, I appreciate your website and I'm thankful for your continued efforts to "get the word out" about our Christian heritage. All of what you have said is true. I also found the rest of your site to be a valuable tool. God bless you.

Iluminada - 09/02/00 21:08:59
My Email:ari5@cfl.rr.com
Country: US
State (In U.S.): Florida
Hi! Patrick, Just to let you know that I love your answers at AskMe.Com, where you are an EXPERT in Bible Study. GREAT TESTIMONY!GREAT SITE! You are a true SOLDIER of JESUS CHRIST! ---------> KEEP GOING......SEE YOU IN HEAVEN!

A.B. Campbell - 03/19/00 23:30:52
My Email:abcmav@yahoo.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): La.
Thanks for the great answers, you have given on xpertSite.com Sincerely, abcmav

Wayne K. Cobb - 09/21/99 05:38:37
My URL:http://www.powernet.net/~waynecobb
My Email:waynecobb@minister.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): Nevada
I enjoyed your web page. I read your article to the preacher that did not believe in baptism. It was very good. God bless you as you labor for the Lord. Wayne Cobb

Sly - 08/08/99 20:04:00
My URL:http://www.zmag.org
Country: Canada
Christian Supremacy forever! Everyone prepare for the cleansing...

The Voice of God is Government - 08/02/99 05:11:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Birdland/5181/
Country: East Timor
State (In U.S.): Denial

Pierre Fontaine - 06/21/99 18:24:36
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/pfontaine2/page/index.htm
My Email:pfontaine2@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): New York
Hey Patrick, I finally got to spend some extended on your web site. It's very well done and very, very informative. I've found myself at a company that has many Christians in it and we've begun having Monday noontime prayer meetings. It's funny how God can bring yo to the right place at the right time. I've forwarded your page to a number of people here who will surely get as much out of it as I have!

C. TAYLOR - 06/10/99 02:46:35
Great to finally arrive here through cyberspace! Now that we're "connected", maybe I can drop you a line a little more often! Take care of yourself, and talk to you later! Love, Me

Pete Shepherd - 05/27/99 12:20:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/ShepherdInsurance
My Email:PeteShepherd59@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): IL
Finally got in to see your web page! Amazing how much difference a few letters can make!

Loretta/granny1 - 05/12/99 23:29:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~granny1
My Email:granny1@geocities.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): Alabama
Hi Patrick ! First I would like to congratulate you on winning Third Place in the Paris Mother's Day Poetry contest. We had over 60 entries so to even place in the contest was no simple feat*S* I love your pages, we need more like them to spread the word bout our Lord. Keep up the good work. I have bookmarked so I can come back and visit.Have a great day. Loretta aka granny1, GeoCities Paris Community Leader and Paris Suburb Liaison

Connie Stevens - 05/04/99 00:27:35
My Email:conniea_95051@yahoo.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): California
Hi Patrick, This is me at home. Boy I love your homepage. Those are the words that we need to hear and be reminded of daily. Thank you so much for doing Christ's work my eyes are filled with tears right now, you are great and so is our Lord. Many blessings to you.

John D. Erickson - 05/04/99 00:14:58
My Email:ericksonjohn@hotmail.com
Country: US
State (In U.S.): Rhode Island
You go Pat!

meleah - 04/11/99 17:45:58
My Email:meleah3
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): New Jersey
Hi Patrick. I read the poem, very nice! I'm sure your mom was thrilled. I have alot of work to do on my site as well so don't feel badly, it takes time. Keep at it and may God bless it abundantly! In Christ, Meleah

marie L taylor - 03/28/99 17:22:13
Country: usa
State (In U.S.): rhode island
hi patrick i love your web page and i love you thanks for the poem it brought a tear to my eye

christopher b. harris - 02/27/99 17:47:10
My Email:chrish64@montana.com
Country: united states
State (In U.S.): montana
Nice to see your home page. keep working Jesus bless and keep you allways.

meleah - 09/11/98 01:04:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/congress1726
My Email:meleah3@aol.com
Country: USA
State (In U.S.): NJ
I enjoyed your site and am encouraged to know there are other believers nearby. Keep contending!

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