Welcome to the Homepage
of Patrick A. Taylor

The main focus of this page is to remind those on Capitol Hill of our Christian beginnings.  Our government makes decisions every day that affect the moral direction of this nation. Those who founded this country reverenced God.  They prayed.  They acknowledged that without the aid and leadership of God our nation would crumble.  And they were right.  In the past few decades we have seen our society turn from reverence to God, to tolerance of God, from tolerance to neglect, and from neglect to open hostility toward even the mention of God and our Christian roots.  For over 150 years, the Bible was the compass that provided spiritual direction to our country.  It was used as a textbook in our schools.  Today our schools do not teach our children right from wrong.  They teach them about alternative lifestyles and safe sex.  Right and wrong are now gray areas of "choices."  The process of the systematic removal of Jesus Christ from our society by those who oppose Christianity is beginning to take its toll.  We wonder why our children lack reverence for life, why "good kids" are going on killing sprees in their schools, and why teenagers are taking their own lives.  We are facing social upheaval as the family breaks down and men and women forsake their responsibilities to their children.  Our culture propagates violence.  The news media is filled with news of wars and murders and our "entertainment" is saturated with violence.

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(You wouldn't go to someone's home and not speak to them, would you?)
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What Must I Do To Be Saved? <click here

There isn't anything more important than being saved. (Matthew 16:26  For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?).  There are many opinions about the plan of salvation, but there is only one plan.  I pray that this section would be a great blessing to you and answer any questions you might have about salvation.

Our Christian Heritage <click here

The United States of America was founded on Christian principles.  That is an undeniable fact.  The evidence of this is found in the opinions of our Supreme Court, the writings of our forefathers, and   the marble of the buildings which house our government institutions.  Those who founded the country had a deep and passionate reverence for Jesus Christ and his word.  For over 100 years, our nation was guided by the moral precepts of the Bible.  In the past few decades, however, we have seen the erosion of moral values.  Our society is becoming cold, immoral, and even decadent.  There is a lack of respect for life.  Did our founding fathers intend to give us freedom TO worship, or freedom FROM worship?

Sound Christian Doctrine  <click here

1 Timothy 4:16 "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee."

There is an old saying, "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure."  You can twist the scriptures to say just about anything you want.  However, there is only one God, and He only gave us one truth by which to be saved.  When it comes to doctrine, any old way will not do.  There are not "many roads to heaven," as some would have you believe.  There are many roads to the same place, but that place is the Lake of Fire.  In the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians we are taught that there is only "One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."  (Ephesians 4:5-6)  When we stand before Jesus it will be too late to do it right.  Jesus said, "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:14)  I want to be one of those few, and I hope that is also your desire.

Information Gateway  <click here

Need information?  Are you a student working on a report or term paper.  It is my hope that this page will be a blessing to you.  Here you will find Pat's Guide to Research, a little publication to help you find information through many common sources.  In addition, I have included links to some very useful web sites and search engines that can help you find topical information.

The Taylor Family Newsletter  <click here

Here you can find back issues (both of them) of my family newsletter.  This is my first venture in family newsletter publishing so don't laugh (except at the funny parts)...

Some of My Favorite Things  <click here

This section contains things like the poem I wrote for my mom ("Ode to a Mommy"), The words to "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch," links to my favorite sites, and other stuff that I find interesting and will fit in the 10 meg of space alloted to me by GeoCities. I hope this will make you smile and brighten your day.

© 1997, Patrick A. Taylor


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