NOTE: Much of the data on this page is up to two years old and is not the extent of reseach completed on these lines. In the future this website will be updated to reflect currently known information but until such a time, if one desires current information on one of the lines involved, write me at

Michael Sieben's Ancestors

This ancestory tree is based upon Michael Sieben, founder of Sieben's Brewery of Chicago, Illinois, and his wife Ida Mathilda Fausch. It is not the purpose of this webbed tree to trace descendants below this generation. (appx 1865).

With the exception of listing surnames which connect to this tree, particularly on the FAUSCH side where other researchers may have been having trouble cracking this line (or may have already broken through to the other side), minimal information about any generations after 1900 will be published here. (although I am not against hearing of your line if it connects. My e-mail address is

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See the AERIAL VIEW of Ebersheim and vicinity. as it appeared in 1947

Surnames, Locations, & Dates

In the USA:
SIEBEN; Chicago, Cook County, Illinois;(1865- )
FAUSCH; Michigan City, Laporte County, Indiana; (1857- )

In Germany:
SIEBEN; Ebersheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, Hesse; (1726-1860)
FAUSCH; West Prussia
MOLKENTINE (alt spellings: MOLKENTIEN, MOLKENTEIN); Pomern, Prussia

Rumored to connect: WEBER, HESS

The cross that John Phillip Sieben erected, 1780

Files not yet added to the tree branches

Anna Maria Sieben Born 25 Jan 1810 to Michael Sieben and Catherine Darmstadt. This record entry features the Knussmann's from the Darmstadt line.

Fridericus Zimmermann and Adamus Sieben Two baptism entries of interest on this scanned image. Fridericus Zimmermann is the brother of Margarethae Zimmermann. Adamus Sieben is a son of Michael Sieben and Catherine Darmstadt. (1808) Joannes Adamus Knussmann appears in Adamus' entry.

Eva Sieben Born on Oct 9, 1803 to Michael Sieben and Catherine Darmstadt. Eva Knussmann was the witness.

Katharina Darmstadt nata Sieben Born 24 Nov 1772 to Philip Sieben and Catherine Eckert, Katharina, the widow Darmstadt died on Aug 26, 1847 at the age of 75.

Joannes Darmstadt died on Dec 7, 1840 at the age of 72. Three days later, Eva nata Darmstadt, widow of Henrici Knussmann died at the age of 75. This page scan appears to also have the priest's notes for the year 1840.

Francis Philipp Sieben/Anna Maria Schmitt were married on the 20th of May, 1726. No idea if they are related to the Sieben line of interest. This couple is not direct ancestors of the Sieben line which is the subject of this project.

NOT related to Ida SIEBEN nata FAUSCH

The following two baptism records are from the Evangelical Church in Battrow. FHL film #0905036. There are similarities with the names of the second FAUSCH family in the 1860 Michigan City US Census, and the Fausches in the 1860 IN census could be the family which is seen in later references as living at 421 Willard St. in Michigan City. Fred Fausch and family, in later references, is seen living at 601 Wabash St.

The only reason for investigating these Battrow records is the hope that they may point to where this family came from, and the hope that the other FAUSCHes can be found nearby. The records are in German Script.

UPDATE: While no relation has been found between the two Fausch families of Michigan City, the family which connects to the Sieben family comes from Petzewo (aka Piecewo, POL) which is a few miles from the Battrow of this second Fausch family.
Henriette Wilhelmine FAUSCH (6 Aug 1854)
Karl August FAUSCH (6 Apr 1856)

The translation received through the courtesy of the volunteer translation team available on the net, follows:

Henriette Wilhelmine, Tochter des Kaethners Johann Fausch und dessen Ehefrau, wurde geboren den Neun und Zwanzigsten (29tn) Juli und empfing wegen ploetzlich eingetretener Schwaeche am 6tn August die Nothtaufe, die den 13tn September vom Pfarrer Klein bestaetigt ist. Taufzeugen: 1, Daniel? Wegner, Kaethner. 2, Henriette Schulz, Einwohnersfr(au).

Henriette Wilhelmine, daughter of the cottager Johann Fausch and his wife, was born on the 29th of July and on account of a suddenly-appearing weakness received the emergency baptism on the 6th of August, which was confirmed on the 13th of September by Parish Priest Klein. Baptismal witnesses: 1, Daniel Wegner, cottager. 2, Henriette Schulz, wife of local inhabitant.

Karl August, Sohn des Kaethners Johann Fausch und seinen? Ehefrau Karoline Roeger wurde geboren den Ersten (1tn) April 4 Uhr Nach(mittag)? und getauft den 6tn eiusd. Taufz(eugen): 1, August Bredoc..?, Einwohner. 2, Jakob Schauland, Zimmergeselle. Henriette Golz, Einwohnersfr(au).

Karl August, son of the cottager Johann Fausch and his wife Karoline Roeger, was born on the first (1st) of April at 4 pm ? and baptized on the 6th of the same month. Baptismal witnesses: 1, August Bredoc.., local inhabitant. 2, Jakob Schauland, journeyman carpenter. Henriette Golz, wife of local inhabitant.


With the "suddenly-appearing weakness" of Henrietta Wilhelmine, it doesn't rule this family out as being the same family as the "421 Fausches". When I first found this thread, I already knew that in order for this to be the same family, the Henrietta born in 1854 would have to have died and a second Henrietta born to the family. The other inconsistancy could very well be that the census taker simply screwed up on August's birthplace.

Extracted from Census Records, Indiana, 1860 (via FTM CD#304)
County/Township:  "Laporte / Michigan"
City/PostOffice:  "Michigan City / Michigan City"

Family 19 Dwelling 21     Microfilm# M653/275  page 375
Fausch, Fredk      M   36   Blacksmith       Germany-Prussia
Fausch, Wilmina    F   36                    Germany-Prussia
Fausch, Ida        F   13                    Germany-Prussia
Fausch, Henrietta  F   10                    Germany-Prussia
Hess, Chs          M   27   Laborer          Germany-Prussia
Hess, Ida          F   27                    Germany-Prussia
Hess, Mena         F   8 mo                  Indiana

Family 33 Dwelling 36     Microfilm# M653/275  page 377
Fausch, John       M   42   Laborer          Germany-Prussia
Fausch, Caroline   F   37                    Germany-Prussia
Fausch, Augusta    F   11                    Germany-Prussia
Fausch, August     M   4                     Indiana
Fausch, Henrietta  F   2                     Indiana
Fausch, Ida        F   7 mo                  Indiana

On a first spin through the baptism records of St. John's Lutheran Church in Michigan City, the book (1856-1891) appearing in band 2 of the microfilm being in very poor condition, I have yet to find any entries for Ida, August or Henrietta of the believed to be "421 Fausches". I am hoping to find at least one, with a listing of the mother's maiden name. "Roeger" would be a nice find, although I'm at a loss as to how it will help me to locate the other Fausch lines in Prussia as the Battrow entries don't list any point of origin.

St. Paul, MN