Cycling Combat Supply
At Cycling Combat Supply, we strive to provide the best and most effective products to improve
the riding enjoyment of the cyclist.   It doesn't matter whether you are a motorcyclist, bicyclist
or unicyclist...  our products will assist you in your cycling activity enjoyment.

Auto Disablers

Interuptor II
The CCS Interruptor II  uses a state of the art, HighMagneticField (HMF) pulse to disable the electronic onboard microprocessor of most late model automobiles.  The Interruptor II provides the cyclist with a serious way to get enjoyment out of getting even with the motorist who just tried to run the cycle off the road.  In most cases, damage to the vehicle's electronic microprocessor is minimal and only requires a trip into the dealership for a reset of the microprocessor... but the cyclist can enjoy the thought of knowing that the motorist is going to have to fork over bucks to a tow company and the dealer, and will be off the road for the near future.
Blue Flame Interuptor Slaving Unit
The CCS BLUE FLAME Interruptor II slaving unit is an ideal way to supplement the Interruptor II on a motorcycle.  The best location to mount this monster, is on the rear rack facing rearward.  Best used from in front of the target vehicle, this beast will do more than require a normal dealer reset to the automobile's microprocessor.  Sleep easy knowing that the automobile owner is going to be paying near a grand to replace a toasted onboard microprocessor.
Lil Blue Interuptor II slave unit
The Lil Blue Interruptor II slave unit, while not offering the full effects of the BLUE FLAME, is more appropriate in size/weight budget as well as power requirements.  As with its bigger brother, Lil Blue is best when mounted on the rear of the bike facing rearward.  An ideal use for Lil Blue is for those times when you know the motorist is going to pull a stupid stunt like pass you and run you off the road.


Signal Triggers

Eddy Sea
The CCS Eddy Sea mounts on the bottom bracket of bicycles, or on any lower section of a motorcycle and swamps signal light sensor loops with a sea of eddy currents.   With the Eddy Sea, you will no longer have to sit at a stoplight waiting for a car to trigger the sensor that doesn't see your lower metallic profile.
Eddy Corrector
The Eddy Corrector is for the Good Sam among cyclists, who not only want to get through a blind sensor bound signal, but to remedy the problem for future cyclists.  The Eddy Corrector mounts on the down tube of a bicycle, or one of several convenient mounting points on a motorcycle.  In its passive mode, the Eddy Corrector works just like the Eddy Sea, triggering lights as you come across them, but with a press of a button on your handlebars, the Eddy Corrector unleashes an HMF pulse which will be sure to have the signal techs out there to repair the signal in no time at all.  It certainly beats sending complaint letters to the deaf ears at city hall.

Dog Handlers

Sonic Chaser
Appearing to be an ordinary reflector,  the Sonic Chaser steps into action at your command.  Recently released from our R&D labs in Amsterdam, New Mexico, the Sonic Chaser uses state of the art integration to wrap this device up into a small and lightweight package.  With the application of voltage (5-15 vdc) to the single pair of wires protruding from the device, the Sonic Chaser kicks into action.  With a stationary ultrasonic emission at 22.055 kilohertz, a second emission sweeping the narrow range of 22.062 to 22.075 kilohertz, and a wide range sweeper from 28 khz to 35 khz, you get a multiple deterrent for those chasing dogs.  Compared to most other ultrasonic deterrents which use a single stationary or sweeping ultrasonic emission to deter the hound, the Sonic Chaser also includes what no other ultrasonic deterrent has yet to include.  Based upon decades of scientific studies by the KGB in the former Soviet Union, the Sonic Chaser makes use of the overtones of two ultrasonic frequencies to create a subsonic emission.  With the 22.055 khz base tone, and the narrow sweep of the 22.062-22.075 khz tone, the Sonic Chaser emits a subsonic tone sweeping from 7 hz to 20 hz.    The Sonic Chaser will TEACH the dog that it's not fun to chase bikes.
Poodle Myster
The Poodle Myster is a manageable alternative to trying to ride your bike while aiming and spraying a canister of mace or pepper spray at a chasing dog.   The Poodle Myster mounts to the bicycle frame at the rear wheel and is wired to a switch on your handlebars.  When the switch is pressed, the Poodle Myster steps into action, drawing a measured amount of Oleoresin Capsicum from the 4 ounce refillable reservoir and using the patented ultrasonic pumping process to force the liquid through 9 misting heads before releasing the resin mist into the path of the pursuing dog.  We recommend two mysters per bike.  One on each side of the rear wheel.

Cycling Combat Supply
As seen in
Contra Costa Whines

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