Çameria is situated on the Northwest part of Greece. The name Çameria comes from the evolution of the word "thiami"="Çami" after the river of thiami in ancient times. Pelasgo-Illirians were the first inhabitants of Çameria with the first Pelasgian ruler Thesproti.

As indicated by tools found in different locations the Neadertal man and the HOMO SAPIENS (wise man) possibly lived in Çameria during the last phase of the Middle Paleolithic and the newer. Paleolithic age (40.000-9.000 b.c.).

Signs of the neolithic man have been found in the Marina cave north of Pavla river, in the cave of Sideri in Filiati(inhabited by Albanians people to this day), in the cave of Pshaka and in other locations in the plain of Paramythia(the heartland of Suli region).

In the early period (2.600-1.900 b.c.)The Illirians( the root of the word Illiria is an Albanian word..ylli or illi=star, after the first king of Illiria, Yllus) settled in Çameria. Some of Illirian tribes were Dodonians, Efyrians, Kasopians , molosians and others. Çameria becomes one of the native Illirian parts of Balkans. Illirian culture developed through out Balkans with Çameria as part of it. The Illirian culture flowrished in particular on the 12th under the Illirian tribe of Molosians. It is known that Alexader the great's parents had Molossian roots.Another great hero of Çameria(Epirus), was the great Pyrro, his successes in the battlefields took him and his army even to Italy..It is scientificly believed that Pyrro was blood related to the family of Alexander the great.The Illirian(Albanian) roots of Pyrro are undisputed and often it is taken as reference to highlight the Illirian(Albanian) roots of Alexander the great..

During the years of the Byzantine Empire new tribes such as the Goths, Ostro- goths, Saracenes and Norses arrived in Çameria.

In 1449 Çameria fell under Ottoman rule. The population of Çameria battled the Ottoman troops in 1611 and later on 1803 where, the latest battles where famously fought by the Suli region(the center town of suli is Paramithia) in Çameria with the double headed eagle flying on every battle. It's important to state that on 1750 Suli was made up of 60 villages and with a population of 25000 inhabitants. During the period of Ottoman rule , Çameria was constituted on the Vilayet of Janina, one of the four Albanian vilayets in Balkans. One figure that shook the history of Çameria during this period is that of Ali Pasha (1740-1822). Today on the region Suli are ruins of the house of Kapetani, and the place where the famous Kugi was(note fighting against the ottomans under Albanian flag).Albanians of this period that made names as great fighter, scholars and patriots are , Luli Çapari, Marko BoÇari, Hasan Tasini, Osman Taka, Çelo Mezani(there are great stories almost mythical, about these last two great popular heroes) and alot of others.... .

In 23rd of february 1913, Çameria fell under Greek rule. This was the aftermath of the decision of great powers to give Çameria unjustifiably and unfairly to Greece.