
Wargaming has roots which stretch back to Alexander the Great. The game of chess itself began as a wargame. These pages contain a little bit of history and discussions on the hobby of wargaming, its roots, its mechanisms with a particular empasis on Advanced Squad Leader®C from Hasboro Games.

Throughout these pages you will find images of my personal collecton of wargames (such as the one above). While not necessarily classics, they each were interesting in their own right. I enjoyed playing them, so I included them here.

These pages are currently under construction.

  On this date somewhare someplace somebody fought somebody else, check out Today in Military History.
We ask an awful lot of our cardboard heroes.
In researching armor tactics I came across some Oddball Tanks.
  Each of the major combatants viewed armor slightly differently. Armor in World War II summarizes these differences
  Advanced Squad Leader® is one of the most popular wargames of all time.
  Throughout these pages there are several images of published wargames. Take the quiz and see if you can identify them.
  The obligatory Links.


Page Last Updated 05/13/99
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