Everyday we move closer to becoming a police state.
Welcome to the 1776 Political Homepage
This site is dedicated to freedom lovers everywhere.
The description of my page is:
Massachusetts Politics
National Politics
Gun ControlMassachusetts is being destroyed by Liberals !!!
Our basic liberties are slowly being taken away by our thoughtless legislators. This site will strive to keep you updated on the sad state Massachusetts and the country has become. It does not have to be this way, VOTE !!! Of course I have been away for awhile but if anything important pops up I will keep you informed.
Whats new? Another year and more Socialists running for office. This year the Presidency is up for grabs!
This July makes ten years that the 1776 HomePage has been promoting common sense.
Getting things sorted out and hopefully I can get the info streaming here again. Another election year is upon us. I detest the usual blogs that are rampant now. Everyone has one and everyone is apparently right. Screw them!
Now for a brief mention of how things used to be and the current Low Standard:
"Lets take a trip back, not far but enough to illustrate my point. When I was younger it was considered an embarrassment to be on Welfare. If a kid had to get a lunch token in the morning at school he felt like he didn’t measure up to the other kids. Today, many wear the Welfare tag like a badge of honor. Generations growing up and stagnating on the system. Not knowing what it is like to have to support yourself or a family. Getting up early to go to work, earning your place in America. Paying your dues. What ever happened to the notion of having pride and taking care of yourself? The answer is low standards. It is much easier to live off the taxpayer than to support yourself. No self-esteem, no drive or ambition. Not saying that everyone on Welfare is not deserving of it but it wasn’t meant to be a life long venture. It is a crutch that was transmogrified into a wheelchair."
In memory of Officer David Roderick -- 19Aug58-5OCT00
Edward McCarthy 1964-2003
A special thanks to William Sullivan of Florida for showing me the sites and tuning me into the political climate on my trip to Florida last March. Good to see there are some real Americans left.
Rest in Peace Bill, 2003
Available now!!! Doug's Corner If you are a law abiding citizen concerned about your rights check out my Pro Gun Links.
Political, Government, and Military Links Visit Peacefire by clicking on the button below. They are fighting for your rights everyday. Visit their site and find out how you can help stop internet censorship.
Thanks to Riad Dagher for the animated U.S. Flag. Visit his web site The Page. This site is owned and maintained by Christopher J. Mello.
Please visit again soon. Last updated on 5July08. CREDITS:
Links to other sites on the Web
The Boston Globe Online
Kevin&Susan's Homepage
The Standrad-Times (New Bedford)
The Corrections Connection Network
HPS Sims
The Constitution Society
New Bedford Homepage
Keep And Bear Arms
A wise man once said; "Who ever is willing to give up even the tiniest bit of freedom didn't deserve it in the first place!"
Riot at Bristol County Jail - D.H.O.C. (2001).
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