I would like to say a few words about anti-gunners. If you are already an educated right-winger(as all should be) you would not find anything new in this particular file, however, for those of you who are a little in the dark on this subject I would like to pass on my opinions. As Charelton Heston has said before I,"the main issue seperating liberals from conservatives is gun control." I wholeheartedly believe that this is true. However, I don't believe that it should be. The intellegent thing to do is to take a look at what good the anti-drug laws have done. Any person on earth that claims that there is no such thing as a drug problem in America has obviously been either in a coma or living in a cave for the last few decades. Anti-gunners don't seem to understand that the same outcome will be reached with gun laws. If you outlaw them, law-abiding citizens will lose what is probably their hobby, and firearms that are worth a lot of money. That is bad, but what is worse is the fact that the laws wouldn't stop criminals from getting their hand son them, which would leave us in a giant shit-sandwich. I don't understand how these liberals can preech democracy while at hte same time, trying to take away our rights like a bunch of pinko punks. They look down upon our sporting arms as "assault weapons" and deem that they are only for killing small children and law-enforcement agents. Not realizing fiream's many uses in sport and play(plinking), they run around screaming "BLOODY MURDER" whenever someone is dumb enough to mis-use a gun or is crazy enough to use it dangerously. I could go on talking about the gun-control problems we have right now but i don't want to. If you would like to e-mail me your thoughts on the subject I would be happy to go further in-depth with you.