Brittnay Ockajik
Age/Sex; 17 yrs. old/Female
Interests; Brittnay is a member of the honors program here at Lorain Admiral King, she is also a member of the Ski Club and a very active member in Student Council. She attended State Conference this past year at Black River High School. She is an active member of the community and currently works at Gadzooks!
Brad Sommers
Age/Sex; 16 yrs old;Male
Interests; Brad is a member of the honors program here at LAK. He has been in student council since his freshmen year. Since then he's attended various conferences for OASC including State Conference this year and Workshop I. He is also on the leadership team and hopes to staff State Conference this spring. Brad is also a member of the marching and concert band, Chamber Singers, NHS, tennis team and the varsity soccer team here at LAKHS. Out of school Brad enjoys a busy life of work and playing soccer locally, which he has done since he was 4 years of age. He also enjoys moonlight walks on the beach with he's closest of friends. Brad likes to listen to Alternative music, but especially Beastie Boys... Quote; "Can I get a FORK?!"
Katie Ferarro
Age/Sex; 18 yrs old/Female
Interests; Katie is a honor student here LAKHS. She is a member of the Chamber Singers, and has taken part in two musicals in her years at King. She is also a member of the Drama Club, and the Ski Club. She has been named to the Who's Who Aong American High School Students. Out of school she continues with her musical talent by being a member of the Lorain County Musical Theater and was a member of the chorus in Fiddler on the Roof. Quote:"too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run..." - Jeff Buckley
Ryan McCormick
Age/Sex; 16 yrs old/Male
Interests; Ryan is a member of the honors program at LAK, he is also a member of the LAK golf team. He played for the LAK basketball team, and is involved with the SCLO. (Student Civil Liberties Organization) In his spare time he kaddies at Elyria Country Club and listening to all kinds of music...
Allison Waters
Age/Sex; 16 yrs old/Female
Interests; Allison is also a member of the honors program here at LAK. She plays tennis, and is involved in ski club, and is a member of the LAK Chamber Singers. She was in the school musical "Brigadoon" and managed for the boy's varsity basketball team. Allison hopes to become a member of the Foreign Language club, and National Honors Society next school year.
Laurie Milovich
Age/Sex; 17 yrs old/ Female
Interests; Laurie is a member of the honors program here at LAK. This is her first year in student council, but has helped on a number of occasions in the past year. She participates actively in the band, Chamber Singers, drama club, ski club, National Honor Society, plus all of the school musicals and plays. She has also been named twice to Who's Who Among High School Students, and recieved the Bausch and Lomb science award. Quote; "Forget-Regret, or life is yours to day but today" -Jonathon Larson , RENT