Welcome to my little chunk of the Web!

First, a little about me: My name is Peter Lambert, I'm 25, and am currently a Social Studies teacher (8th grade US History) at Monadnock Regional High School in Swanzey, New Hampshire, USA. I currently live in Keene, but my hometown is Jaffrey, NH, a town of 5,750 and also the home of Mount Monadnock. But more about that later.

 First of all, chances are a few of you reached this page while you were searching for "Amos Fortune." That is (pardon the pun) fortunate, since I am the author of "Amos Fortune - The Man and His Legacy," published last year by the Amos Fortune Forum and distributed by the Jaffrey Public Library. If you want to know more about Amos Fortune, follow the link HERE.

I have a number of pages connected to this website. This directory will bring you to them. Caution: most of these sites are complete, but some are under construction. Please report any "missing links!"

Amos Fortune More about one of Jaffrey's most famous sons.

Online Portfolio Some lesson plans I have created.

New Hampshire The greatest state in the Union!

Maps What I do in my spare time (which is increasingly rare!).

Ireland A few pages on my 1999 trip through Ireland.

Jaffrey My hometown

Resume The online version of my resume.

Links Links to some of my favorite places on the Internet

 School  If you are a student of mine, click here for class information


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If you don't like these pages, don't bother.

This page was updated on August 29, 2002