Welcome my dear guests. Come in, don't hesitate. I don't need to say how glad I am to have you here. Being here, you could land me your ears and listen to what I have to say, maybe you will pass it to your friends. The truth should be told to everyone, let it spread around. Maybe then somebody will act and try to change things in a better way!

The "spiritus movens" for me to build this page was unfair and rapist attitude of USA and its European allies - so called "Contact group" toward Serbia and its people. At first, they started the civil war, which leaded to disintegration of former Yugoslavia. National's leaders of all the nations that formed our country were encouraged and financed to do everything possible to destroy unity among Yugoslav nations. And they did it.

What do you think, what was the reason for this? My idea is that united Europe was not what USA wanted. The ideal way to destabilize it is to produce areas of permanent conflicts - and where can you find better region than former Yugoslavia, where all of its nations managed somehow to find they way of living together in a solid and undisturbed harmony over a half of a century. Of course, we can not forget our history, full of disagreements and clashes, but under a state policy of "brotherhood and unity" things worked out for us. What is more, young generations built everyday life without the burden of historical heritage. Speaking for myself, I have enjoyed friendship with a lot of participants of all the nations that have formed former Yugoslavia.

Awakening the old ghosts from the past (religious differences, for example - Serbs are Orthodox, Croats are Catholics and Muslims - what an irony it is - declared themselves as a nation, based on religious belief), was the ideal tool for USA and its allies. New nationalist leaders found an excellent chance for themselves to become "Fathers of the nations", promising "great and shiny future" for their nations. And what really happened? War, death, poverty and total destruction, both moral and material for all of us. Generations and generations involved in all of these atrocities are condemned to live with physical and emotional scars all their lives. And, as it seems to me, real producers of all this terror don't care at all. Of course, for the public opinion of their countries, they have mouths full of democracy, peace, equal rights etc. But, everyday life strongly suggests that the end of all this is still very far. A lot of interests are involved - world domination, new world order, making good money by selling weapon and many others. So, they are continuing...

What was next on the "schedule of regional war games"? Now it is the Serbian province of Kosovo. Albanian minority mostly inhabits it. During the last decades, until death of former Yugoslav president Tito, quiet but permanent ethnic cleansing was done there. But, victims weren't Albanians. On the contrary, Serbian families were enforced to leave Kosovo. Threatening, attacks, rapes of Serbian women, even underage girls, poisoning of domestic animals, devastation of cropping were some of methods used to "convince" Serbian population to leave Kosovo. People with good memory can, for sure, remember a case of certain George Martinovic, Serbian who was raped with bottle of beer and nearly died. His attackers, Albanians, were not even prosecuted for this. Old regime protected them. For the things to be worse, they almost accused the victim of self-injuring due to "deviated sexual way of satisfying himself"!!!

Now, when Serbian Government is trying to preserve living conditions for its people, so called "Kosovo Liberating Army" started separatist and terrorist actions against not only my people, but also Albanians loyal to our country, even if just working in some state institutions. And what we can hear from the "World leading democracy country"? SERBIA IS USING TOO MUCH FORCE TO STOP TERORISM! Do you, by any chance, can remember racial riots in Los Angeles? If my memory is correct, US Government engaged not only police, but National Guard also, and killed as many demonstrators as they found necessary to stop the protests. It was "preserving of democracy" and "public law and order", of course. But, if the same happened in some other countries, than it is something else - violence and state terror over innocent Albanians who just want to smuggle as much weapons from Albania as possible and to use it against last few Serbian families (mostly farmers) that still are living on Kosovo.

This method of double standards is well known. When Serbian people in Croatia and Bosnia tried to fight for their rights and even independence, USA enforced Dayton agreement based upon the statement that boundaries of newly formed countries couldn't be changed and Serbs must accept rules and laws in those countries. Well, let's say it is OK, if they were promised to have all civil rights proclaimed by many international agreements. Another story is how those rules are implemented in everyday living - ethnical cleansing is still going on, every day more and more Serbian families are forced to leave their homes and land (or to sell it for peanuts) and to move to Serbia. And no one of the "World famous democracy implementers" seems to care for the tragedy of this people. But, in our case, the same is not valid for Albanians. When our representatives asked US and European politicians to specify which civil, religious, cultural and any other rights are Albanians deprived for, we didn't get the answer. Of course, "argumentum batulinum" (argument of the bat) is the strongest one, when you are the most developed and the richest country, with the greatest army potential, but is it right? Our Constitutional low gives all the rights, measured by European standards, to all the citizens of Serbia. But, it is still not enough, especially when "fight for someone's rights" is just an excuse for something else. And for what, you may ask?

And, what do we have now? War is over, and what kind of war, if I may ask? 78 days of pure terrorism. Destruction of civilian targets - plants, roads, bridges, and electricity installations. Thousands of civilians killed, country ruined. Mighty NATO army entered Kosovo to protect values of multiethnic society. What a joke!!! Instead of forming safe environment for peaceful living, instead of law and order, the only thing we can witness is perpetual murdering of civilians, Serbs again, burning of their houses, thousands of refugees. KLA terrorists are acting as if they won the war - well, in a way they did, only NATO did it for them. Now, gangs of drug smugglers, rapists and killers rule over the province. Is this what "western democracies" could offer to the world? Is this what Tony Blair and his allies called "moral imperative"? Once, when bombing civilians from safe altitude, they looked so mighty. Now, on the ground, they can't or wont do anything to stop terror done by their protegees. Just in a last few days we heard about several mass graves with up to 50 bodies of Serbian civilians, tortured and killed by KLA. Gypsies and Turks (both of Islamic confession) are also victims of daily attacks. It is more than obvious that Albanians want ethnically pure Kosovo. It is also more than obvious that, by doing nothing to stop them, NATO countries, guilty for creating all this mess, practically are doing the same - they are performing the "ultimate crime of our time" for which they accused Serbia - ethnic cleansing. Where is their morality now? Who will accuse them? Who will punish them?

Well, just for now, I'll let it for you to think and try to find answers. If you have them, please contact me, and we can discus it further. If you don't have them, how about to give it some time to think about this little story of mine. Maybe you will start to see this world through different eyes?

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