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Biljana Micic - 04/02/00 18:23:48
Ovo vec sve znam, ali lepo je videti vas opet.

Koloboc - 11/05/99 12:11:32
My Email:Kolob99@mail.ru
Serbskiy vojne - horochiy voijne !!!

ZvezDANA - 10/20/99 06:11:13
My Email:cdana@gte.net
Zdravo Lidija i Neso, sta da vam kazem, odlican posao. Nemogu da vam opisem kako sam se osecala dok sam citala ove stranice i na kraju videla i slike, poznatih i meni dragih ljudi. Svaka cast, ovo mi mnogo znaci, vidimo se sutra na istoj stranici. Topli p zdravi od ZvezDANE.

Natasha - 04/24/99 21:07:21
My URL:/southbeach/palms/8931
My Email:malinka26@hotmail.com
great job!! Jas sum makedonka ali mene mi e srceto vo Jugoslavija...samo napred i mnogu, mnogu pozdrav taka trebe da ima vakvi sajtovi i da doznaat amerikanskiot narod kakva losha Americka Propaganda postovi..trebe prvo da naucaat oni za istorijata od Kos vo..posle neka zboraat..isto taka so shiptarite.. Ajde cao i mnogu pozdrav bravos! -natasha

richard henry - 04/09/99 02:45:54
My Email:yard@strato.net
I think what the USA and nato is doing is totaly wrong. I beleive that everybody has problems. and does that mean we have to bomb everbody? HELL NO! I beleive we escallated the removal of people from your country. and I'll tell you Im not the only one here that beleives this. I beleive that president clinton is a dictator himself, and nobody seems to see it . one day after all hell breaks out and its to late maby these dome shit that live in this world will wake up. well t ke it easy and I hope you well

milijan - 04/07/99 12:50:47
My Email:milijan@vet.bg.ac.yu
Dragi kolega Neso, zelim ovim putem da izrazim pohvalu i podrsku ovome sto radite. Takodje Vas molim da istrajete i ove stranuice obogatite novim aktuelnim dogadjajima, pozdrav Milijan

vassilis - 04/06/99 20:35:38
My Email:vassilis_k@yahoo.com
Good page, good place to see the Serbian side. Something else about the current events: I personally dont aggree with what your country deals with kosovo-albanians. but, i condemn what US does under the mask of NATO. i wish i could fight with you there for the protection of your nation. And something else. many serbians believe that greeks hate them or dislike them and so on. it is not true. we show our support everyday guys i believe. A greek team will be playing football with you in Beograd this week. Many of us will come up there to s pport the event. we stand by you. Keep up, God knows that you are right. Have a good Easter, and may you get your piece soon. Regards, vassilis.

John Serop Simonian - 04/02/99 04:59:46
My URL:http://come.to/serop2
My Email:serop2@collegeclub.com
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for the safety of all people in your native country, especially for those affected directly and indirectly by NATO violence.

Lynn Goetgeluck - 03/29/99 12:56:26
Very interesting-glad to see someone standing up and giving the other sides story. There are always 2 sides to everything. Would like to see more facts from the serbian point of view. I am writing a paper for a class in college and all I can seem to fi d is opinions and heresay. I'm very glad to have visited this web site. Thanks!

Louis Saayman - 03/29/99 06:38:19
My Email:ljsa@land.sun.ac.za
Hi, just wishing you luck with everything, at least it seems like South Africa is supporting you. Can you send me some pictures / info about what is really happening, not CNN bulship. Regards Louis Saayman South Africa

Nenad J. - 03/05/99 17:25:18
My Email:nenadjan@usa.net
Evo malo sam svratio da pogledam što ima. Sve u svemu fino je. samo nastavi. Pozdrav od Nenada

Sinn Féin - 02/01/99 06:12:06
My URL:http://sinnfein.ie/
My Email:clay@ptld.uswest.net
Hello Nesha, nice site. Even though we may disagree with one another about a great many things, I enjoy talking with you, and thank you for giving me a glimps at a point of view that would otherwise be inaccessible to me. - Jeff Anderson-

dejan popovic - 12/24/98 21:39:15
My Email:dejanpopovic@hotmail.com
napravio si vrlo vrlo dobar sajt brate...samo nastavi tako....zelim ti sve najbolje sa tvojom zenom i srecnu novu godinu..!

Kalasnikov - 12/23/98 16:01:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Frosty_Srbin/grid1.html
My Email:airserbia@hotmail.com
Your site is totally awe-inspiring! You are my heroe because of those basketball pictures. What a guy. Anyways, I see the albanian terrorist that screwed my site as well as John's site didn't get to yours. Good for you. Jivela Serbia! Lepo je more...

Jovan Velimirovic - 12/13/98 19:50:40
My URL:http://geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/7681
My Email:bilkko@yahoo.com
To zemljace!!!
Svaka ti cast na stranicu, ovakvu dobru odavno nisam video, a to sto si se slikao sa nasim najboljim kosarkasima, mora da je bilo SUPER. Imam samo lepe reci. Da si mi ziv i zdrav!

Zlatibor - 12/08/98 14:12:08
Evo, da vidis da sam ti posjetio Home Page. Boi sam ja tu i prije. Sve je fino, ali mi grafika nije bas po ukusu. Ciao!

michele - 11/22/98 22:50:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Studio/8238/index.html
My Email:michele.audiotech@cwix.com
Wow! I was surprised to hear from you. We met on November 17th during that political hoo-haw over the voting in your country. It happened to also be my birthday. (I am 29 now!) glad you are still doing well...watch out for all those cops, eh? Be Good, see you later.

Milutin pavicevic - 11/17/98 16:22:01
My URL:http://fly.to/dream.with.us
My Email:sir.mika@hello.to
E Nebojsa, bilo sta da ti kazem je suvisno. reci i onaku uvek pokvare sve. Evo samo da ti kazem da ti onako naiskrenije zelim sve njabolje i najvecu srecu u daljem zivotu. I da slusas zenu. Izgleda mi kao da je bas ona tvoj andjeo. Mika

Milutin pavicevic - 11/17/98 16:18:43
My URL:http://fly.to/dream.with.us

gordana trbojevic - 09/22/98 06:33:54
My Email:guadelim@spidernet.com.cy
Nesho, vidoh home page, pregledah fotografije, clanke cu citati nekom drugom priliko, i samo da prokomentariem - vrlo mi se dopalo ono sto sam videla (mada se jos uvek jezim naseg grba sa dvoglavim orlom - podseca me na nacionaliste), ali sve drugo je vrlo mastovito i smisaono. Zena i ti ste vrlo lep par. Glavu gore ! Srecnija buducnost je tu odmah iza coska, I am sure! Gordana

sylvie - 09/07/98 20:56:23
My Email:slatkatajna@hotmail.com
Nice page Profesore. :-) Pametna glavica, pametna. Bit ce nesto od tebe. *:-)~ ...... =^..^= ......

Torched - 08/26/98 07:38:27
Nice page! However, the bedroom of biancas is not a posting page, it is for conversationp. Use the sub if you just want to post a URL over and over.

Rob - 08/24/98 08:56:58
My URL:http://www2.one.net.au/~rah/
My Email:rah@one.net.au
Hi cool page friend see you around Cheers Rob

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