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There's really a point to this?

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Weekly Updates from the Daily Intelligencer
      Poll: Support for impeachment growing
      Congress Considers New Investigation
      U.S. Senate to Investigate Plastic Wrap Conspiracy
      U.S. House Releases Video Testimony

glass ball   Idiots in the News Updated! May 11, 1999.
Press Releases proving the need for action.

glass ball   Ask Fred!
Fred, the philodendron, answers your questions.

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glass ball   The Gene Pool
Looks like it's time to change the filters again.

glass ball   Feature Articles and Commentary
By, for, and about idiots.

glass ball   How to Identify Idiots
To be an Idiot Activist you need to know how to spot an idiot.

glass ball   Awards and Links
Yes, we've got some of both.

Our Newest Award! The Mopsicle!
              December 18, 1998!

        Mopsicle Award

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                ICQ with the Creator of the C.I.A!

C.I.A. News and Information

February 26, 1999 New!
Okay, okay, I can hear you out there screaming and yelling. "When the hell are you going to update this thing?!?" Well, I guess the answer Alright, so it's just a small update, but what the hell, it's something, right? So, if you want a bigger update you've got to give me a bit of help. E-mail your suggestions and we'll get right on it. Otherwise, don't get your shorts in a wad. Until then, I wish you well in your fight against idiots!

December 21, 1998
'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the House, were cries filled with rhetoric of an unfaithful spouse. Warning: Soap Box Ahead!

I watched with facination this weekend as the House of Representatives impeached the president. Regardless of your political persuasions isn't it obvious that the lesson to be learned from this mess is that it is okay to LIVE a lie, just don't TELL a lie. At least not under oath. Speaker-elect Livingston bit the dust after his marital infidelity was revealed. Livingston stated that his resignation was the only morally correct thing to do. Hmmm.......... now that's odd. So, two weeks ago he was perfect for the job. Now it's his moral obligation to resign? What changed? I submit to the fans of the CIA that Livingston obviously felt that he was morally responsible BEFORE the truth came out. Why does public knowledge of the truth change whether or not we are morally responsible? I have no idea. Perhaps you do. Drop me a line and explain all of this mess. I beg you!

November 24, 1998
Ahh.....vacation. There's nothing like taking a break from work to rush around in a frenzy visiting relatives, seeing the sites, eating way too much food, and generally knocking youself out. Pardon me while I take a nap. I see that while I've been gone I've generally missed some rather interesting events at the ole Capitol in D.C. Seems Antisocial Prosecutor Ken Starr's ethics advisor has finally come to the same realization that many of us reached months ago. There are no ethics in D.C. But, we're not complaining. I suspect the C.I.A. would not exist if ethics were popular, but I digress.

October 16, 1998 - We're back. Take that however you would like. Today we uncover yet another conspiracy hitting America with more force than a Rush Limbaugh belch. You can read all about it in this week's update from our Congressional Bureau. Meanwhile, we'll be pouring over applications for a new C.I.A. correspondent. By all means, if you've got what it takes, feel free to throw your hat into the pile. (All submissions and hats become the property of the C.I.A)

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Updated on Tuesday, May 11, 1999

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"If it ain't fried, it ain't dinner!" - Bud Joe Thompson, C.I.A. Founder and President.