The autogrpahed picture say: Jeana, Lots of questions. Thats truly.Thanks. and his signature.

The follwing are his answers to the questions....

When is your birthday?......Dec.19
What made you want to be an actor?.....Not sure. I had a great imaginationas a kid - maybe that had something to do with it.
If you weren't acting ,what other profession would you be doing?........Sadly enough - I have no idea!
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?......I have a hard enough time thinking about tomorrow let alone 10 yrs!
How much of the charater Wolf from the 10th Kingdom do you see in yourself?......Lots - his passion, hunger,and will to survive!
What has been your favorite role so far?.....Wolf - no doubt about it.
Did you prefer making movies or t.v. series?....... As long as it is challenging and I feel it says something its interesting - doesn't matter what medium its in.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?......morning - early morning

What is your favorite.....
drink......cold,cold water
candy/sweets....kit kats - big ones
holiday....summer/Memorial day.
group/artist/music.......I'm pretty eclectic - different things move me. jazz,blues,60's, rock & roll - gospel, Beethoven.
book/author....Tender in the Night/F.Scott Fitzgerald
Do you where boxers or briefs.....there is a time for everything!!
Do you have any final thoughts or comments for your fans?........everyday - howl or growl at someone - give em a fright - make life interesting!