Worshipping the Lip
More Comments on the Lip From Our Readers
(NAME) Matt Steninger
Webster Hubbell died tragically yesterday.
He stuck his head out of a speeding car window and his
lower lip,
flapping in the breeze, beat him... to death.

Oh sob! My aching heart!
But Lo...
(NAME) Robin, The Best Lip Fan of all time
But the lip did not die, he was just unconscious and he woke up feeling
fresh and envigorated... to continue being the superhero that he is.. hehe

hehehe.. unconscious hehehehe
(NAME) Bob
This has got to be the dumbest page I have EVER run across..
I think you should keep your day job and not try to be such a
comedian, its not working.

Bob, that was the point of this whole page dear.
*confetti starts falling on Bob
as he sits behind his little monitor*
This LOVELY Dinette Set!

Well.. not really, just the picture.. if he wants to liberate it
If you would like to win something cool, like a stupid picture of
something I ganked off the web send me your comments!
And Now, Back to the Comments
(NAME) Robin
The Lip is supreme, you poor ignorant protoplasmic lifeform!!