Lip Service

Ok.. so you want to join the Fanclub..

Well, Here's the deal

Firstly you've gotta have a web-page.

Secondly you need to download (right-click) one of the nifty Hubbell's Lip Fan Club (tm) buttons below.

Thirdly you need to link that button to my main-page:
Fourthly you need to be a firm-supporter of freedom of speech (that's why this page was created...)

Fifthly you can either E-mail me, or send a Comment using the comment form to tell me that you've become a fan, and Please Tell Me What Your URL is so that I can add you to the list of fans of the Lip!

That's it! That wasn't so bad, was it?

Here's the Buttons, Ralph!

Ralph? Ralph!?! Who is Ralph?