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Welcome to Hubbell's Lower Lip's Home!

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I'm Webster Hubbell's Lower Lip!

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This page (some-what) recently appeared in: INTERNET UNDERGROUND MAGAZINE'S Weird Web Pages Section!!! We're now famous!
(page 23, August 1997)

First I'd like to tell you a bit about myself. I'm Webster L. Hubbell's Lower Lip, you can call me Mr. Lip. This website has nothing to do with Webster Hubbell, just his lip! Me!
Click HERE for a history of the LIP

Now, a bit about my homepage! Inside you will find a FAQ file, fan-fiction from a few of my fans, and even a client-side image map game in which you are presented with a picture of Webster Hubbell, and you must find me! I encourage you to click throughout the picture for lots of laughs. Version 2.0 is now fully operable!

Why was this page created you ask? Well. I'll tell you.

And now some disclaimers:

Because it's necessary

Neither Halfelf, or "Hubbell's Lip" proclaim any copy-rights to any of the material (except the FIND THE LIP game!) presented within. All logos are copyright of the respective owners, and the material is always non-profit, it is done for fun and for a past time so that the writer of this crap page may learn cool stuff with HTML.

RECENTLY ADDED TO: Useless Web Sites Web Page! We are now REALLY useless.. *evil laughter*

Halfelf is not part of any specific political party, and she reserves the right to make fun of them equally. To learn more about Halfelf please refer to her Homepage

If you can't laugh at stuff (Bob), PLEASE GO NO FURTHER! This is not meant to offend, merely to entertain, and of course be completely useless..

And Above ALL: All Appologies to Webster Hubbell, CNN, both political parties, and everyone else who thinks they deserve one! *grin*

Last time I decided to get off my butt and add new useless rubbish to the page:
August 28, 1998

You can Get Mail when I've been updating, too!

Amazingly enough, This many people Worshipped the Lip since April 18, 1997! The day my page was "born"!

Now Then! You Must Choose a Path to Enter The Shrine of Webster Hubbell's Lower Lip! Please no running, screaming, or flattulating, and do not pull on the Lip, unless you are asked to!

Pick your Path:
Framed Version Or the Non-framed Version!

Mail me at!

Or Use the Form to send a comment or a fan-fiction story to me to put in the page:
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