Anarchism and the Spanish Civil War
This is Andrew Floods site that is one of the most comprehensive set of documents and links on the web.
Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War
David Ward collection of articles and links, very good.
Labadie collection of anarchist materials on Spain.
Anarchist Spanish Civil War Links
Solidaridad-ObreraPaper of the CNT
Danny Yee's Notebooks on the Spanish Revolution
Spain Links
from the anarchy for anybody page
Anarchist links about the Spanish Revolution
Spunk files on the Spanish Revolution
The Emma Goldman Collection at Berkeley
On Line materials. Emma's Spanish Civil War work, pamphlets, speeches, etc.
Review Emma Goldman in Exile:
From the Russian Revolution to the Spanish Civil War
Transcript lists Emma Goldman
The 50th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War broadcast on CBC IDEAS
Durruti Documents
Materials on Buenaventura Durruti, his Iron Column and the Durruti Brigades.
Buenaventura Durruti
a biography by Peter E. Newall
Bibliography On Buenaventura Durruti
Obituary - Vincent Ruiz
Born 1913 - Died 15th July, 1998.
Vincent Ruiz, a Spanish anarchist who
participated in the Spanish Civil War and Revolution died after a long
illness last Wednesday. Vincent was one of the last direct links that
Australia's anarchists had with anarchists who participated in the
anarchist inspired social revolution during the Spanish Civil War.
Francisco Ferrer and the Escuela
Does revolutionary Spain show that
libertarian socialism can work in practice?
Anarchist FAQ
MOVEMENT IN SPAIN -- by Citizen X-
I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels by Albert Meltzer
a common place autobiography of an Anarchist.
The Living Experience Of The Spanish Civil War Collectives*
Newsletter Of The Society For Spanish And Portuguese Historical
Thomas F. Glick, Editor
Volume 1, No. 2 April 1, 1970
First Steps towards Mass Sex-Economic Therapy? Wilhelm Reich and the Spanish Revolution Richard Cleminson Anarchist Studies 1(1993): 25-37
Rudolph Rocker: The Tragedy of Spain
Rudolph Rocker Biography
Dedicated to the life and work of the anarchist writer and historian and syndicalist militant, Rudolf
Rocker (1873-1958), a devotee of the cause of human freedom.
Another Spain: Anarchist Guerrilla Resistance in Spain
1931 Barcelona Rent Strike
paves the way for Revolution
German Anarchist Article
On 60th Anniversary of the Spanish revolution
The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism
by Murray Bookchin
Workers Solidarity Alliance article on Spain
Libertarian Communism
CNT document
Workers' And Peasants' Collectives
In The
Spanish Civil War
Fascism and Anti-Fascism
Spain 1936 a critique of the CNT and Anarchists from a council communist/Marxist perspective.
Lessons of the Spanish Revolution
A Brief talk by G. Purchase delivered at a conference on the Spanish Revolution, Sydney May 1996
Industrial Worker 1996
Remembering Spain Book Reviews
Workers Power and the Spanish Revolution
Egality 16: Do You Know What Really Happened in Spain?
Spainish Civil War: Anarchism in Action
The Collectives In Spain,
Gaston Leval. An Exerpt.
Life in Revolutionary Barcelona
The Spanish Revolution
and its Relevance Today, Part 1
The Spanish Revolution
and its Relevance Today, Part 2
Terror in Catalonia by Wiliam James
A Right Wing American Libertarian
attack on the Anarchist 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat' (sic) in Catalonia 1936
Reply to William James
Anarchist critique of James article 'Terror in Catalonia'
Bryan Caplan's Essay
"The Anarcho-Statists of Spain: An Historical,
Economic, and Philosophical Analysis"
The Anarchist role in the Civil War government by Iain McKay
A Reply to Bryan Caplan's Essay "The Anarcho-Statists of
Spain: An Historical, Economic, and Philosophical
Also titled: "Objectivity and Right-Libertarian Scholarship"
UPDATED: September 19, 1998
Original page design copyright © 1998 Eugene W. Plawiuk