BC Federation Of Labour
Support for Mac Pap Memorial
Working TV BC Special on MAC PAPs
An effort to raise funds for a Memorial in Vancouver
Private Members'
Business M-75 Bill to Recognize Mac Paps as Veterans
House Of Commons Of Canada 36th Parliament
Mr. Riis (Kamloops), seconded by Ms. Vautour (Beauséjour -- Petitcodiac), moved, -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should consider the advisability of giving to the members of the MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion and other Canadians who fought with Spanish Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939, the status of veterans under the federal legislation and making them eligible for veterans' pensions and benefits.
Private Members' Business Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion
House Of Commons Of Canada 36th Parliament, 1st Session, Thursday, December 11, 1997 10:00 a.m.
Tall Soldier
My 40 Year Search
For The Man Who Saved My Life by Manuel Alvarez.
Story about the Canadian Mac-Pap Brigade
The Complete
Idiot's Guide
to Canadian
Ann Douglas
With a Chapter on: Fighting Fascism - Canada, Bethune and the Spanish
Civil War
The Gallant Cause
Canadians in the Spanish Civil War
by Mark Zuehlke
Whitecap Books, Vancouver/Toronto,296 pages, $26.95 reviewed by Chuck Bell
The Gallant Cause: Canadians in
the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
by Mark Zuehlke © 1996 Excerpt from his book, published Fall 1996 by Whitecap
The Gallant Cause - Canadians in the
Spanish Civil War, 1936 - 1939.
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Review by Joan Payzant. Book Review from CM . . . . Volume III Number 10 . . . . January 17, 1997
Mackenzie-Papineau Brigade
Article from the Communist Party of Canada
Tributes to Bill Kardash
Communist MLA Manitoba, Fought in Spain, on his passing
Communist Party of Canada
75th Anniversary Article on CPC involvement in Spanish Civil War
On Remberance Day
I Will Remember the Vets who fought in the Spanish Civil War
Toronto:Aura of the Cause
Photo Exhibition From the Spanish Civil War Shown in Toronto 1996
Howlings from the Wall
readings from sealed in struggle: canadian poetry & the spanish civil war; at the Electronic Garffitto Magazine Ottawa
Metro Hall provides venue for world
premier photo exhibit
Los Canadienses, 1975
Film on the Mac Paps available from the Canadian Film Distribution Centre, SUNY
Remembering Canadian Volunteers To Spain
BC Transportation Workers Union, calls for Memorial to Volunteers
References to Mac-Pap Brigade Brandeis Special Collections
Spanish Civil War Collection University of Regina
Spanish Civil War Collection
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
St. George Campus, University of Toronto
British Columbia Legislature, Hansard, 1995
50th Anniversery of VE Day
Premier Mike Harcourt Speech BC Legislature with References to Spanish Civil War and Canadian veterans.
The Mac-Paps From Si!Spain
Jarama, Brunete, Quinto, Belchite, Fuentes de Ebro, Teruel, The Retreats and The Ebro are the
battlegrounds of the Spanish Civil War
in which over twelve hundred Canadian soldiers supporting
Republican Spain took part.
These men created the most unique military unit in the history of
Canada: the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion of the XVth International Brigade of the Spanish
Republican Army: 'the Mac-Paps.'
Felisa J. Vázquez-Abad
Departement d'informatique et recherche operationnelle
Universite de Montreal
Family bio of father who was in Spanish Civil War and then exiled.
Concord Review
Index of Articles by IB students
Several on Spanish Civil War and Canadian Volunteers.
Sealed in Struggle
Canadian Poetry & the Spanish Civil War. An Anthology published in 1995.
Canadian Volunteers in Spain 1936-39
The Art of Fritz Brandies
Canadian Artist and Veteran of the Spanish Civil War
Sheila Goes To War by Beverley Cooper
CBC Radio & Stereo Sunday Showcase Radio Dramas
She was rich and very Rosedale - until a brief encounter with a young revolutionary changed her life.
The year was 1937 and her idealistic lover was volunteering for the republican side in the Spanish
Civil War. Sheila threw aside her life of privilege and followed him to Spain - where she faced
unspeakable horrors, and forever lost her privileged naiveté. A new historical drama from one of
radio's favourite storytellers, produced in Toronto by James Roy.
Norman McLaren
made several independent films, and worked as a cameraman for a
Spanish Civil War documentary. noted for his inventive and eclectic
use of music, disdain for the boundaries of the film frame, and
meticulous working methods.
Ths Spanish Civil War From the Malcolm Lowry Under the Volcano Site
The Canadian Contingent in the Spanish Civil War
Victor Howard and J.M. Reynolds
Marking the 50th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, this is the story of the
Canadians who went to fight in that epic conflict.
1986, 299 pp., CLS 137
ISBN 0-88629-049-X paper $9.95
Tall SoldierMy 40 Year Search
For The Man Who Saved My Life by Manuel Alvarez.
Story about the Canadian Mac-Pap Brigade
Jason Kenney
Right Wing Reform Party MP Speech in Parliment attacking Mac Paps
the Heroes of a
Forgotten War
The Monument Project finally
recognizes Canadian veterans
of the Spanish Civil War
March 1998
Joshua Then And Now:
The Post-Nationalist Search for Identity
By Andrew Burke Laurence, Davies, Richler, Ondaatje:
Writing the Canadian Novel Honors Essay
Canadian History 130- Lecture notes, March 8, 1997. The 1930s
Passion play too remote Kick up your heels Nina Zapata
(Paper Tiger Productions - Stage Five): Marty
Chan ought to copyright his name, what with the
way it gets used as an adjective so often.
"It's your basic sort of good Marty Chan comedy,"
says director (there's an unbiased opinion) John
Wright. "He's got a really good sense and ear for
dialogue and humor, and a great amount of wryness
to it."
Nina Zapata's title character is a Flamenco dancer
in 1930s Spain who uses her fancy footwork to
ignite a rebellion against a dictator. Ole!
Chan is the man behind such previous gems as The
Old Boy's Club, Polaroids of Don and Maggie's
Last Dance.
Canada's Merchant Marine in the Battle of the Atlantic
Inspired by the veterans who fought in Spain, the working class mobilized as a citizen navy in WWII in Canada and the United States. Their valient
efforts are only now being recognized.
Welcome to the Bethune Memorial House
On line interactive literary biography
of Dr. Norman Bethune
Writing Den Site
from Well Known Canadians Page
Speech commemorating Bethune
Hotwired Rough Trade
description of Bethune memorial in his home town
Canadian Journal of Surgery
Bethune as Surgeon
Memorial Tapestry
novelization of Bethune
Movie Review of NFB's Bethune
NFB Page
Bio of Director of Bethune
Norman Bethune Commerative Coin Set
Two Silver Coins a joint project of the Canadian Royal Mint and
the China Gold Coin Inc.
The Politics of Passion
Norman Bethune's Writing and Art Edited by Larry Hannant
Norman Bethune in his own words
THE POLITICS OF PASSION: Norman Bethune's Writing and
Saturday, August 22, 1998
By Bronwyn Drainie
Edited by Larry Hannant
University of Toronto, 396 pages, $45
First Person Feminine:
Magaret Day Surrey By Patricia Whitney
Bethunes lover and a famous Canadian Poet
Bethune Center for Anti-Fascist Studies-
Dr. Henry Norman Bethune - Spanish Civil War & Blood Transfusions