Poetry of the Spanish Civil War
De este pais, del otro, del grande, del pequenyo
del que apenas se el mapa da un color desvaido
con las mismas raices que tiene un mismo suenyo
sencillamente anonimos y hablando habeis venido
No conoceis siquiera ni el color de los muros
que vuestra infranqueable compromiso amuralla
La tierra que os entierra la defendeis, seguros
a tiros con la muerte vestida de batalla.
Quedad que asi lo quieren los arboles, los llanos
las minimas partidas de luz que reanima
un solo sentimiento que el mar sacude: Hermanos!
Madrid con vuestro nombre se agranda y se ilumina.
Rafael Alberti
Strong Words, Brave Deeds
The Poetry, Life and Times of
Thomas O'Brien, Volunteer in the
Spanish Civil War
Pablo Neruda
In 1933-34 he was Chilean consul in Buenos Aires, and while there he met the great Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca. From Argentina he went to Spain, where he served through the early part of the Spanish Civil War.
His `Spain in the Heart' was published in 1937 during the war.
The Penguin Book of Spanish Civil
War Verse
Introduction by Valentine Cunningham, Edited by Valentine Cunningham
Found Music
by Jeffery Triggs
German DADA Literature on Spanish Civil War
in German use translator provided below.
Poetry and politics:
The Spanish civil war poetry of Cesar Vallejo by George Lambie
Sealed in Struggle
Canadian Poetry & the Spanish Civil War.
An Anthology published in 1995.
From this country, from the other, from the large one, from the small
from the country to which the map barely gives its faded color,
with the same roots, sharing the same dream,
so simply anonymous and speaking out you have come.
You do not even know the color of the wall
that your insurmountable commitment fortifies
You defend the earth that buries you, secure
in a shoot out with death, dressed for battle.
Stay; this is how the trees, the plains,
and the smallest particles of light would want it - reviving
a single feeling that the sea tosses forth:Brothers!
Madrid, with your name, shines with greatness.
Rafael Alberti (trans. by V Waddick)
Plays on the Spanish Civil War
by Marie Corbin and John Corbin
Screenplay by two anthropologists about the Spanish civil War in Andalusia
Scottish play
From Calton to Catalonia
Sheila Goes To War by Beverley Cooper
CBC Radio & Stereo Sunday Showcase Radio Dramas
She was rich and very Rosedale - until a brief encounter with a young revolutionary changed her life.
The year was 1937 and her idealistic lover was volunteering for the republican side in the Spanish
Civil War. Sheila threw aside her life of privilege and followed him to Spain - where she faced
unspeakable horrors, and forever lost her privileged naiveté. A new historical drama from one of
radio's favourite storytellers, produced in Toronto by James Roy.
Passion play too remote Kick up your heels Nina Zapata
(Paper Tiger Productions - Stage Five): Marty
Chan ought to copyright his name, what with the
way it gets used as an adjective so often.
"It's your basic sort of good Marty Chan comedy,"
says director (there's an unbiased opinion) John
Wright. "He's got a really good sense and ear for
dialogue and humor, and a great amount of wryness
to it."
Nina Zapata's title character is a Flamenco dancer
in 1930s Spain who uses her fancy footwork to
ignite a rebellion against a dictator. Ole!
Chan is the man behind such previous gems as The
Old Boy's Club, Polaroids of Don and Maggie's
Last Dance.
Hemingway & Orwell
Included here are links to resource pages on Hemingway and Orwell. Two of this centuries most famous journalists turned novelists, who were most influenced by their experiences in the Spanish Civil War.
Howard Fast
Web Page Dedicated to Howard Fast
Fast was a member of (and propagandist/pamphleteer for) the American Communist Part as well as being a sucessful
novelist, short story writer and screeplay writer. He wrote the script for Spartacus.
Biography of Howard Fast
1961.By Aaron, Daniel. Writers on the Left: Episodes in American Literary Communism.
(1961; rpt. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992, p. 311, 286-90).
Spain and Peace
Fast pamphlet/broadside on the strikes agaisnt the post-war strikes against Franco, written in 1951.
Alan Wald
Fast Biography by Wald from Buhle, Buhle, and Georgakas, eds., ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE AMERICAN
LEFT, (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1992
Other Authors
Ricardo Reis (1887-1936?) Poet
Ths Spanish Civil War From the Malcolm Lowry Under the Volcano Site
Joshua Then And Now:
The Post-Nationalist Search for Identity
By Andrew Burke Laurence, Davies, Richler, Ondaatje:
Writing the Canadian Novel Honors Essay
Milton Wolff and the Spanish Civil War
Milton Wolff, the last
commander of the
Spanish Civil War's
legendary Abraham
Lincoln Battalion and
a well known peace
and civil rights
activist, is now the
author of three
novels: Another Hill
(University of Illinois
Press), A Member of
the Working Class
(coming soon), and
The Premature
Antifascist, about
World War II.
The latest Tom Clancy novel
-- describing how the United States
saves Spain from a new civil war -- has drawn fire from Spanish critics
who blasted it as "racism" and "typical American ignorance." In
Balance of Power , which came out last month and rushed to the top
of the bestseller charts in North America, Spain splits into five warring
regions and Mafia-like racketeers profit from the chaos and violence.
Letters of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade from The Spanish
Civil War
Edited by Cary Nelson & Jefferson Hendricks
The Gallant Cause
Canadians in the Spanish Civil War
by Mark Zuehlke
Whitecap Books, Vancouver/Toronto,296 pages, $26.95 reviewed by Chuck Bell
The Gallant Cause: Canadians in
the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
by Mark Zuehlke © 1996 Excerpt from his book, published Fall 1996 by Whitecap
The Gallant Cause - Canadians in the
Spanish Civil War, 1936 - 1939.
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Review by Joan Payzant. Book Review from CM . . . . Volume III Number 10 . . . . January 17, 1997
The Reign of Miss Brodie's fascisti
Introduction to a review of the The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, a high school student paper on the social and historical signifigance of
the novel in light of the Spanish Civil War.
Part 1
Part 2
Tall SoldierMy 40 Year Search
For The Man Who Saved My Life by Manuel Alvarez.
Story about the Canadian Mac-Pap Brigade
The Unpublished Writings of Joaquin Maurin, 1896-1973 by Leo M. Dolenski
Founding member of POUM. Writer, essayist, refernce to his children’s books!
Dorothy Parker Web Page
Short story writer, screenwriter, bohemian.
In 1937 reported for the New Masses on the Spanish Civil War
To Tilt At Windmills A Memoir of the Spanish Civil War
To Tilt at Windmills is the memoir of Briton Fred Thomas who served with
the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War (July 1936-March 1939).
Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska by Rockwell Kent
published in May 1996 by Wesleyan University
Press through the University Press of New England. References to Kent Rockwell's experiences as a socialist and in the Spanish Civil War are in the intorduction/biography
Jessica Mitford (Decca)
author of; The American Way of Death
journalist and muckraker, she and her husband Edward Pomilly active in the Spanish Civil War.
Lillian Hellman FBI file
with references to her support work during the Spanish Civil War
Lillian Hellman Excite Search
Simone Weil
French Mystic and social activist, writer who died while working for Republican Spain during the civil war.
Nancy Cunard site
hieress of the Cunard shipping line, writer and activist for Republican Spain.
Richard Brautigan
exerpt from his unpublished novel: Sea Sea Rider
Ana Maria Matute
School of the Sun, part one of her modern trilogy on the Spanish Civil War
Soldiers Cry by Night part two of her modern tilogy on the Spanish Civil War.
Novels by Paco Taibo Ignacio II
Harvest Moon by Judith Saxton
Gerald Brenan
Spanish 214
Book Mark New Titles for 1995
UPDATED: September 19, 1998
Original page design copyright © 1998 Eugene W. Plawiuk
her 1995 novel Choices was about the Spanish Civil War and dedicated to ``Southern liberals,
past and present, wherever they may be.''
Romantic novel with characters who retrun to the U.S. from the Spanish Civil War. From Amazon Books
The Face of Spain
The Literary Impact of the Spanish Civil War
Fighting the Good Fight
1995 saw the release of several new books on the Spanish Civil War, indexed here.
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