Francisco Franco Bahamonde (1892-1975)
Illustrious celebrities of Ferrol
Biographical Resources on Franco
Brandeis University Special Collections
Spainish Bio of Franco from Spanish Calender
Francisco Franco
Famous_People discussions index
Photo Of Franco Reviewing Troops
With Quote From Hemingway
Comptons Encyclopedia on Franco
Franco Biography
by Alex Morrison
Greenwich Middle School Essay, critical of Franco and facism.
4 Days In November
Memorial to Franco
Franco's Colllaboration with Germany
En el 60 aniversario del inicio de la Guerra Civil
Franco en Internet
Were Franco and Pichote villains?
Nick Farley a US high school student essay on the Spanish Civil War, biased in favour of Franco
Astrocartography of Francisco Franco (astrological chart)
Nostradamus Predictions about Franco and Spain in Swedish!
On The Lighter Side:
Lifestyles Of The Rich And Infamous
Franco The Football Fan
UPDATED: September 19, 1998
Original page design copyright © 1998 Eugene W. Plawiuk
Construction began in the 40's
by order of General Francisco Franco, It
took twenty years to accomplish this feat and the work was done by prisoners of the Spanish Civil
Home page dedicated to sculptor: Antonio Navarro Santafé
Since the unlikely survival of Francisco Franco's regime through the Second World War, historians
have puzzled over the extent to which the Franco government had collaborated with Adolf Hitler's
Germany. Norman J.W. Goda, University of Maine at Presque Isle
History Channel Listserver discussion
What are we teaching? Another reason this web site exists
From: The Role of the Least-aspected Planet In Astrocartography.
New Insights Into the Spirit of Place, by Robert Couteau.
Drinks of the Dictators: Tastes As Bizarre As Their Lives.
Got Milk? How
'Bout Some Mare's Blood?
Yes its true Franco was a football fan
Read about it here
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