QUESTION TO ALL VISITORS: A recent visitor to this webpage asked: Do any of you know whether or not the attorneys for Paula Jones, filed an amendment to her lawsuit? If so, do you know of a website that offers a copy of the newly amended lawsuit? The visitor and I would both greatly appreciate your help if you could email me at Thank you! Kim
Please note that Congressmen (both Republicans and Democrats)are refraining from forming a public opinion regarding this scandal. In my opinion, they have made a wise decision. On the other hand, Clinton supporters, who are either on Clinton's payroll, or use to be, are speaking out against the Independent Council, Kenneth Starr. Clinton's team have made themselves look WORSE and less believable, by making personal attacks against Prosecuter Kenneth Starr. They need to stop whining, and be professional when addressing these serious issues. Kim
Hoosier, from the MR forum has asked questions we all want to know the answers to:
By spending so much time on the sexual aspects of the misconduct, we are being misdirected from the real offense. It is a serious crime to contact a witness in an upcoming legal proceedings, to attempt to influence their testimony. The questions are:
How did Lewinsky get assigned from the WH to a desk next to Tripp's?
What was the nature of her assignment?
Did she relate the sexual contact to gain Tripp's confidence, whether the sex was true or false?
Did Lewinsky act as an agent for WH in delivering
the scripted testimony that was expected of Tripp by her ultimate supervisor in the WH?
What services did Lewinsky perform for WH that were not sexual?
Why did she feel she was entitled to the list of jobs she sent Jordan?
What was in the reports Lewinsky messengered to WH oval office?
Why did Jordan and others offer her a variety of jobs?
If they were going to offer these jobs why not before she was assigned to work next to Tripp?
Treating a witness (Tripp) in this manner is a serious offense and Lewinsky may very well come out of the grand jury on Tuesday facing felony charges, regardless of any sexual or lack of sexual relationship she may have had.
Lloyd, from the MR forum Provided us with a url from Media Research Center (MRC). MRC, provides readers with a CyberAlert, which offers quotes from News Commentators about the latest Clinton scandal.
Okay, that's it. If current news reports relative to Willey's (Spelling?)statement are true, I am sick and disgusted. Apparently, 2 sources close to the Paula Jones Case stated that Willey's sealed comments are true. Supposedly, her statements say that clinton basically accosted her on the day her husband committed suicide. If this is true, Clinton should resign with a formal apology to his victims, he staff, his wife and daughter, congressmen and most of all to the American People. I refuse to post any more information on this case until further notice.