Bill C and Greg prepared this form letter for you.
All you have to do is fill in the blanks!

Dear Senator / Representative;

Greetings and best wishes from a concerned citizen! As I believe that representative government functions best in an environment of clear communication between the elected officials and the electorate, I am taking the time to inform you of my opinion regarding (Fill in your topic)

The Founders of our Nation believed strongly that all governmental power and authority ultimately derives from the people governed. My wish in writing to you is to exercise, in a tangible way, this long-cherished value.

I would like to begin with the ( Fill in your topic ) issue. From my understanding of the situation, I want to let you know that I( Fill in your topic )

My expectation in writing you about this is ( Fill in your topic )

Next, I would like to share my thoughts and feelings about the ( Fill in your topic ) issue. My concerns regarding this issue are ( Fill in your topic )

I would like to share some ideas I have regarding ( Fill in your topic )

As an elected official, please consider my opinion thoroughly and proceed accordingly.

I thank you for your time and attention to what I have written. I consider myself an informed, concerned citizen who wishes the best for myself, my family, and this great country of ours. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about what I have shared. I look forward to further dialogue with you, and plan to follow all political events with interest.

Respectfully yours,






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