The Government
The White House
The House of Representatives
Hill Source,
from the House Republican Conference; plenty of Clinton-bashing
House Whip's page
includes House proceedings and an updated image of the floor
House Democratic leadership page
The Senate
Senate Republican Policy Committee
Senate Democratic Policy Committee
The Judiciary
Congressional Pictoral Directory
Pictures of members of Congress in PDF format
provides information on Congress, its committees and its members
FedWorld Information Services:
Comprehensive guide to Government databases
Federal Government Agencies,
a clean, easy-to-use listing
Federal Web Locator
allows searching
Federal Information Exchange
Political Parties
Democratic National Committee
Digital Democrats
Democrats Online
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Republican National Committee
State Republican parties and candidates
Libertarian Party
Libertarian Web
Reform Party
of Ross Perot fame
The Green Parties of North America
Democratic Socialists of America
The New Party
Third Party Time?
Harvard's Kennedy School of Government has analysis and links to other sources
Information Headquarters for the Republican Primary
Turn Left:
The home of liberalism on the Web
searches only conservative sites on the Web
The Right Side of the Web
Right on the Web
Conservative views and links
The Christian Coalition
National Right to Life Committee
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League
People for the American Way
Progressive lobbying and activism (interesting information on the Religious Right in politics)
The Interfaith Alliance
seeks to counter what it calls religious extremist influence in politics
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Pro-Israel lobby
The Feminist Majority
National Organization for Women
National Rifle Association
American Civil Liberties Union
The John Birch Society
The Concord Coalition
aims to eliminate the budget deficit
Web Active
link to a variety of progressive activist causes
The Reagan Information Interchange
Current political Issues
The American Presidency
a history of the office from Grolier Online
Ballot Access News
follows efforts to get candidates on the ballot
Campaign finance information
from American University
CapWeb's Guide to the U.S. Congress
Congressional Quarterly's
American Voter
Congressional roll calls
from Congressional Observer Publications
Congressional votes
by representative and subject from Congressional Quarterly
C-SPAN's U.S. Congressional Directory
A wealth of information on members and committees of the 105th Congress
The Democracy Network
allows candidates to post positions and people to discuss them
Federal Election Commission
data on campaign contributions
Federal Election Commission data
in a more useful format, compiled by two former F.E.C. employees
Forefront Connect,
political information for women on the Web
The Gallup Poll
Heritage Foundation,
the conservative think tank
The Jefferson Project
has a comprehensive set of political links
Kennedy School Online Political Information Network
from Harvard University
MSNBC's Eye on Washington
lets you follow your lawmakers' actions
National Political Index
links to varied political and government sites and services
lists and reviews political links
a nonpartisan collection of pointers
offers looks at major national issues from various perspectives
Political Site of the Day
from Kessler-Freedman
Political Science Resources
an excellent international collection of links
Project Vote Smart,
a guide to the '96 election and its issues
Voter and registration demographics
from the Census Bureau
Whitehouse 2000
the (very) early line from Avi Bass of Northern Illinois University
Political Extras
All Politics
from Time and CNN
Atlantic Unbound Politics
from the Atlantic Monthly
Program schedules and announcement speeches
with news and features, calls itself the "political network of record for the Internet
Political personalities
The Media Studies Center
is studying how the public feels about political news coverage
The Netizen,
Hotwired's take on the political scene
PBS Democracy Project
Roll Call,
the Capitol Hill newspaper
The Skeleton Closet,
a bipartisan listing of character allegations against the candidates
Microsoft's cyber magazine