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- This site is dedicated to educating the public.
- Many problems could be solved in our communities if we follow some basic and common sense rules.
- My goal is to not just publicize the common sense solutions here at this website, but to also encourage others to share them with their local community leaders, their representatives from our state governments, as well as their representatives in Congress.
- The following are topics that you may find on these pages:
- tax reform,
- United Nations involvement in the United States,
- spirituality, religion, and faith,
- patriotism,
- crime and juvenile delinquency,
- education,
- free speech,
- corruption in high places, and
- many more issues of importance.
- This statement reflects some of what has been debated and philosophized in many political arenas on the internet.
- Societal problems are not static, and therefore, issues of importance may change.
It is my hope that you will enjoy reading the opinions of my friends on this webpage. If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to email them to me, my friends, or leave a message in my guestbook or on the opinion page!