It is my sincere hope to inspire visitors to examine a number of political
and social issues from perspectives not always found in the mainstream
For example, we hear much about freedom and rights these days. To be sure, this wonderful country we live in was built upon ideals of freedom and guarantees of basic rights. If one takes the time and energy to read "The Federalist Papers", one can get a true sense of what the Founders had in mind when formulating our government. It becomes clear that there are implied RESPONSIBILITIES along with these rights and freedoms. Those among us who are fond of quoting Constitutional passages often forget that our rights and freedoms demand of us a high level of responsibility. I believe that the Founders assumed that the majority of the citizens would adhere to basic morals and values, founded in religion and custom. When one examines the Constitution, the limits are on GOVERNMENT, not on the people. For that experiment to be successful, the people must confine their behavior within some boundaries, or anarchy will develop. Recently, our country has undergone a moral decline and a shift towards irresponsibility. We look to expensive government programs to clean up the messes that such a decline creates. Government then is invited to become a bigger part of our lives, regulating our behavior through laws, and costing billions of dollars. Think about how involved government is in your life. That intrusion is a direct reaction to irresponsible behavior. If a company acts illegally, immorally, or dishonestly, we choose to create laws and regulations under which all must operate, even the honest businesses. If one person decides to act irresponsibly, someone needs to pick up the pieces, and we often create more laws to control that behavior. It is a paradox that our freedom can create restriction, but it can, unless we choose to act responsibly.