Thomas F. McCurrie - 12/09/00 21:01:53
My favorite politically orientated book: Sell Out
My favorite historical leader: General Westmoreland
My favorite historical document: U.S. Constitution
The most important issue of today is: Controling the Judicial Branch of Government and its members (Lawyers)
The least important issue of today is: Religion
Diane - 05/06/00 11:28:24
My favorite politically orientated book: Atlas Shrugged
My favorite historical leader: Thomas Jefferson
My favorite historical document: The Declaration of Independence
The most important issue of today is: taxes
The least important issue of today is: who the President has ever slept with
Great site!! It should really be on the network!
J Patterson - 05/10/99 00:23:04
My favorite URL: above
My favorite historical leader: Einstine
The most important issue of today is: the purpose of life
The least important issue of today is: everything else
Hi, and nice site. I'm impressed with how active Kim and her friends have been over the last year, or so. Just visiting. Thanks.
walkr99 - 09/15/98 04:42:47
Hi!! we need all the sites like this we can get!!!
Cindy - 09/08/98 08:59:36 My URL: My Email: comment: Nice page.... please come visit my UK site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
"Anyone who is willing to give up even the tiniest bit of freedom didn't deserve it in the first place!"
Scoop - 07/10/98 21:00:57
My favorite politically orientated book: In Retrospect
My favorite historical leader: George Patton
My favorite historical document: The Constitution
The most important issue of today is: Freedom
The least important issue of today is: Gay Rights
"Anyone who is willing to give up even the tiniest bit of freedom didn't deserve it in the first place!"
Jeff Putman - 05/27/98 14:53:39
My URL:/CapitolHill/Lobby/8796/
My favorite URL: See my links page. I have quite a few.
My favorite politically orientated book: The Rothschild Money Trust
My favorite historical leader: George Washington
My favorite historical document: The Declaration of Independence
The most important issue of today is: Clinton gave China the ability to nuke us!
The least important issue of today is: Clinton distracts us from his scandals by committing more scandals!
Good site!
Your "Kim" page asks, "How can we mobilize people who don't vote?" Many people don't vote because they (rightfully) hate both parties. Tell them, "Don't stay home! Vote against BOTH parties! My favorite is the U.S. Taxpayers' Party. A "fringe" party etting 5% of the vote would terrify the Republicrats! If everyone who stays home would go and vote for a "fringe" party, the "fringe" party would dwarf both "main" parties!
While I'm here, I guess I should plug my site. Click on my URL above to see articles about the Bible's commands on government. Do it God's way!!!
Wallace Garneau - 05/16/98 20:11:24
My favorite URL: The Center for Responsive Politics
My favorite politically orientated book: The Great Whitewater Fiasco
My favorite historical leader: Gerald Ford
My favorite historical document: The Bible
The most important issue of today is: Morality
The least important issue of today is: There are many...
Just browsing the Conservative Ring. Howdy Neighbor!
MGA - 05/13/98 13:09:53
My favorite URL:
My favorite politically orientated book: Why Govt Doesn't Work
My favorite historical leader: Thomas Jefferson
My favorite historical document: Declaration of Independance
The most important issue of today is: Downward Slide Toward Socialism
The least important issue of today is: Bill Clinton's Sex Life
I just found this site, and I asked if the Publius who posts here is the same one that posts at Philosopher's corner, and It appears that it is the case. I just posted an excerpt from Mark Skousens "Persuation Versus Force" to explain in a much more profe
sional way than I, some of the libertarian principles that applied to some of Publius' recent musings about individual liberty & personal responsibility. Please remember that Libertarianism does not promise a perfect utopia, Libertarians merely promise no
to make society worse with well intentioned govt coerced policies.
I look forward to posting here often. Is Kim & Publius related somehow?
Tiberon - 02/04/98 17:08:32
My favorite URL:
My favorite historical document: U.S. Constitution
The most important issue of today is: Intrusion, by government, into our lives.
The least important issue of today is: Bubba's sex life
Very good site! As I look over the "Select a category" area of your site, I see many names I recognize. Mostly from the M.R. forum's. I am curious to know what one has to do to be included in the group. I feel that I have something to offer, but I have d
fficulty in expressing it it writing. Am currently working on a couple of web sites, and hope to have them going by the end of this month. Along with my posts, and my bio, on the M.R. forum these sites will give everyone insight into who I am and what I a
I have seen your posts on M.R. and would like to know if the "secret hand-shake & decoder ring" stuff is your way of being sarcastic to the liberals that frequent the site. I understand the VRWC thing as coming from HRC!
Have a good day.
Tiberon(Clarence Zaborowski)
Randy Roberson - 01/26/98 01:17:09
My favorite URL:
My favorite politically orientated book: The Federalist Papers
My favorite historical leader: John Jay
My favorite historical document: The Constitution of the united States
The most important issue of today is: Clinton the felon and taking our country back
The least important issue of today is: Clinton's sexual escapades
Great page Kim!!!
Darel Carico - 01/04/98 04:06:58
My favorite URL:
My favorite politically orientated book: Slouching Toward Gomorrah
My favorite historical leader: Ronald Reagan
My favorite historical document: The U.S. Constitution
The most important issue of today is: Taking back our gov't
The least important issue of today is: It Takes A Village (idea)
Most of all, I would like to see our gov't scaled back to what is plainly stated in the Constitution. People need to be treated as individuals, not as groups.
Eric Kirkland - 12/24/97 21:13:03
My favorite historical leader: (Recently) Ghandi.
My favorite historical document: U.S. Constitution
The most important issue of today is: It's really simple. Democracy!
The least important issue of today is: There are many to choose from.
Just thought there might be someone who would be interested in a business opportunity in politics or might know someone who is.
John M. - 12/21/97 17:13:02
My favorite URL:
My favorite politically orientated book: Behold a Pale Horse
My favorite historical leader: Jefferson Davis
My favorite historical document: Bill of Rights
The most important issue of today is: The gradual usurpation of our Constitution.
The least important issue of today is: Silly nonsense like the tobacco law debate
Kim, you really have this webpage looking good! I hope you are yours have a great Christmas!
John M.
cindy kay miller - 10/25/97 21:38:43
My Email:cindy5440
My favorite politically orientated book: slouching toward Gomorrah.
My favorite historical leader: sam adams
My favorite historical document: Declaration of Independance
The most important issue of today is: big government
The least important issue of today is: El Ni÷– o
Just moved to Texas and got a web access. I might get a web age if I knew what to put on it. see ya. cindy k
Anneliese Gries - 10/10/97 10:34:57
My favorite URL:
My favorite historical leader: Jefferson
My favorite historical document: Bill of Rights
The most important issue of today is: UN-usurption
The least important issue of today is: NOW
Hi Kim...nice poll interested in results!
aka "Liberlady"
Carolyn - 10/05/97 06:50:24
My favorite politically orientated book: "Our Sacred Honor" by William Bennett
My favorite historical leader: Signers of the Declaration of Independence
My favorite historical document: The Bible or The Constitution if the Bible doesn't count
The most important issue of today is: Socialism/Globalism is sweeping our government
The least important issue of today is: tobacco laws
I chose the signers of the Declaration of Independence as my collective favorite historical person. These men risked their very lives by signing this document. We don't see men like that any more. This country is in a constitutional crisis that will requi
e men like them for the Constitution to survive.
"Publius" - 10/03/97 15:38:49
My favorite URL:
My favorite politically orientated book: The Federalist Papers
My favorite historical leader: has yet to be elected
My favorite historical document: U.S. Constitution
The most important issue of today is: Citizen responsibility and empowerment
The least important issue of today is: entertainment news
It is only through citizen education, concern, and application that the United States will continue on a successful path. While our leaders have been wrong in pushing government intrusion in our lives to an extent not imagined by the Founders, we are equa
ly culpable for allowing this to happen.
david e. swanson - 10/01/97 17:39:45
The most important issue of today is: geting back to what the constitution SAYS
The least important issue of today is: Social legislation
OIBL - 09/29/97 15:40:52
My favorite URL:
My favorite politically orientated book: America's 60 Families
My favorite historical leader: Thomas Jefferson
My favorite historical document: The Declaration of Independence
The most important issue of today is: Getting Amerika's head out of the dirt
The least important issue of today is: the present day's news
It saddens me (personally) when I see the potential that is in this country and still we will not do what it is right. We must get out of this global economic vortex immediately if we're to have any hope of regaining Our strength as a nation. As for the C
mmunist question (are we becoming Communist?): YOU BET YOUR CHINESE COMBAT BOOTS!
test - 09/28/97 16:54:33
My URL:http://test
My Email:test
My favorite URL: test
My favorite politically orientated book: test
My favorite historical leader: test
My favorite historical document: test
The most important issue of today is: test
The least important issue of today is: test