Voice of The Voter's

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It is a terrible day for the voters of America. Recently the voter's of Oregon cast for the second time their decission to pass a measure, called Doctor assisted sucide. Again Big Brother, who is always looking over us, considers the American voter ignorant to what the majority really wants.The problem is not whether you are in favor of the measure, or against the measure. It boils down to the fact that the Government does not have the right to over ride the citizens voice. Again this demonstrates that we as Americans are slowely losing our rights and that we need to ban together , raise our voices and be heard. It is time the monarchy of this great nation is brought to attention and back to reality.Our forefathers left a country long ago for some of the very same reasons that I'm writing about today. Fellow citizens please remember we are the United States of America and that we are the government, in order for the government to work we MUST put aside our petty differences and work together. One more thought to remember.. I may not agree with your beliefs, politics etc, but I defend your right to believe. God Bless America, and I will fight to keep her Free.

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