"Unity Through Understanding
Understanding Through Communication"

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The time has come to re-evaluate, reflect and to ponder the implications of truth. Take a look ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.. Tell me what you see. Do you see a society unified? Do you see respect for authority? What about our leaders? Can it be said that some women have more cajones (re: lt. Flinn) then the men who lead us? What are the implications of this? Let us examine them together. First: Is our society unified? When I look at our society I see nothing! Nada, zip... What does this mean for us and our future? We talk, talk is just that, talk... We are witnessing the destruction of a way of life and we cannot even see the forest for the trees..

Where is the cohesiveness necessary for a society to survive. The gubmit DOES NOT CARE! Let that sink in! Roll it around your mind a little bit... Your life means NOTHING to them! They say its "for the children" but how many children have DIED by the hands of these people. I still remember Raina Bo Shirley and other girls and boys who have died due to NEGLECT of the gubmit who is supposed to "protect" them. A unified people would not stand for this! The people responsible would be sued, run out of town! Jailed! But, without a unified society we are lost.. That is why racism persists.. The gubmit has institutionalized it...

Do you see respect for authority? Without those who would protect us we are vulnerable! We are open to attack.. The police are often looked upon as something to be feared by LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.. No matter what they do they are wrong.. Do you really think this perception is by accident? Without respect for authority there can be no lawfulness.. It becomes anarchy.. Look at Lt. Flinn's case! Clearly disobeyed an order.. Literally told her superiors to "kiss off" Its my "hots" and I "gits" mine.. All this talk about equality, justice and equal rights.. Look what has happened in REALITY.. Lt Flinn is a floozy.. no more, no less. I hate to say it but she had the trust and faith of many women and she thumbed her nose at us!

Now she cries "I didn't do anything other than be in love".. How lame! Yet, look at the overall effect on authority.. It has become a laughing stock! THINK... Who really are the fools here? What about our leaders? Do we have any? Where are they?... People are dying because of gubmit largess and ignorance... Our military (What's left of them) are scattered... THINK.. What are the ramifications of this? Look at the tax burden we face.. Look at what "the children" will face in their adult years.. THINK PEOPLE! We are ALLOWING this once great society to be destroyed! For WHAT! The gubmit DOES NOT CARE! Listen and learn.. Let that sink in and roll around a bit.. They do NOT care! They just take!

Our children will become economic slaves. Forced into social classes by the Goals 2000 agenda... Is this what I had children for? Slavery? Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls.. Look around you. Do you see ANY, I repeat, ANY leader worth anything? If not, why not? THINK... Think of where we're going... Think of the implications of what is happening... Societal bonds torn under; Respect for authority a sham and no leaders among us.. Has God gone out of us? Will no one speak up with one voice and shout! NO MORE! Or.. will we simply keep quiet and allow ourselves to be as sheep.. After all, it is "for the children" isn't it?

In closing.. We need to unite and focus.. Look at the deliberate deception that is going on... Case in point.. Here in SF there are two propositions being placed on the ballot to raise gubmit funds for building a stadium. There is very little support among the people for this stadium.. Almost daily we are bombarded on how many jobs it will create, how the super bowl will be scheduled for it.. how we have "gaurantees" that the taxpayer will not foot the bill, and finally.. that if we don't support this stadium we will lose the 49er's.. I say.. BYE! Take a look.. the media is playing us like a harp... Need gubmit healthcare? Let's look at some "sob stories" about the "Children".. What a crock!

A five year old in NY is poisoned by her mother and grand mother.. Her body thrown in the trash and sent to the dumpster.. This happened EVEN THOUGH THE CPS WERE "MONITORING"... Yeah... "for the children".. Right! Sure! Here in California.. Our illustrious gubmit wants to lower the age of consent to 12. After all.. Its "for the children".. Am I the only one or is there a pattern here? Huggs.

We need to take it to the streets! I do not speak of violence... I speak of teaching... I speak of that which Christ did.. No TV, they are the purveyors of lies and illusion... Is it any wonder these are more violent times? The closing off of Pennsylvania Avenue to traffic alone should have tipped us off as to gubmit's real agenda... They know what's coming. Unless we take back our communities there will be more Waco's, Ruby Ridge's and "Republic of Texas" incidents which are in reality attempts to assuage the frustration within all of us! Can you feel it?.. It lies just below the surface of our psyche... Is it any wonder we have no respect for the law now? For those in power have no respect for the people! Huggs.

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